Chapter 5

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Like my first story, the scenes in this chapter interchange so Jesse’s POV is in bold and Billy’s is normal. This part of the story is strictly restricted to anyone who is under 18 because of the adult content exhibited. 


Jesse had known their mutual sexual attraction would grow, but she had not anticipated it would happen so quickly. She knew she wasn’t hurting Alex because nothing had happened between them, and she clung onto her initial line of thought, that after that night, she would never see any of the two lovely women again.

But when Billy kissed her so passionately, it was like a dam opened up and an overflowing mass of passion broke out, leaving Jesse exhilarated. Billy kissed her so intimately, she created desires inside Jesse that had been in a deep dormant sleep.

Billy had tried to resist it, but she had not imagined her submission to it would be so disastrously sweet. She had dived blindly, but had not imagined the fire between them would so quickly turn into such a powerful beacon.

She parted Jesse’s lips and quickly driven by desire, explored the mouth that had sexually taunted her all night. It was much more amazing than she had wanted it to be. A part of her had hoped Jesse would be a passing thrill, an incentive that would quickly disappear as it had reappeared and well, she had been wrong. 

Their lips mated with a mutual hunger that left them both more starved than satisfied. Jesse, unable to take it anymore, started undressing Billy, who quickly obliged and started undressing Jesse as well. Both their hands were working so fast on each other, Jesse had never been undressed so swiftly because in a matter of minutes, they were both making their way to the large couch naked.

Billy broke the kiss and gently laid Jesse back on the soft cushions. She followed a trail down Jesse’s neck with her lips, feasting on the object of her attraction and fueling the excitement even more. She desperately hoped that when it was all done, she’d never look back to regret that night, but something told her she was fooling herself. 

When she closed her mouth over the hard nipple, Jesse’s lips let out a sigh and Billy played with the soft bud with her tongue until she felt like she’d lost all control. Her lips trailed over Jesse’s body, slowly learning the art of her flesh and saving every little bit of it in her sight, mind and heart.

Her body was flawlessly beautiful, just as Billy had imagined it would be and her skin smelled like a meadow and tasted of wild flavors that were like ecstasy to Billy’s brain. She couldn’t have stopped even if the world had come to an end.

Jesse moaned in pleasure at Billy’s erotic insistence. Her lips and hands, her touch, her warm breath, her speed, everything about her drove Jesse absolutely crazy. She’d had a lot of sexual encounters before but she couldn’t remember ever being so hot for anyone. 

Her whole being was on fire, a liquid fire that would not go out. Anywhere Billy touched, a fire would be left burning behind and her whole body felt like it was in flames. She could barely contain herself. It was like she was in a battle with herself, trying to keep everything within leveled but Billy kept doing different things with her hands and her tongue. She was simply unpredictable, so Jesse decided to just give in and let the ride of her life overwhelm her. 

When she was lying on her back, completely yielding and defenseless, Billy kissed her way down and found the single most sensitive spot that was dying for her attention. She started out slowly, and Jesse thought she’d combust into a ball of flames like a vampire out in sunlight.

Her tongue was an extremely gifted body part because it could curl and twirl in a manner Jesse had never known to exist. She thought she’d experienced every part of sex anyone could ever show her, but apparently, she’d been wrong. Billy was constantly surprising her.

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