Chapter 15

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Alex’s POV

“I know Billy was rude, and I truly and honestly apologize for it,” Alex said.

The kind eyes Alex had once known looked at her with malice. She knew this was a situation she could not help or prevent. But she respected the woman and when she’d called saying she urgently needed to speak to her, Alex felt like she owed her that.

So there they were, seated across each other, two cups of coffee on the table. There was such a cold atmosphere between them, Alex wondered where the hostility was coming from, seeing as she’d had nothing to do with the situation to start with.

“You are such a sweet little fool.”

Alex raised her eyebrow in confusion. “Excuse me?”

“Jesse, the sweet, lovely woman you’re so in love is has been fucking your best friend,” Kim said.

The words were brutal, but the surprise took a while to seep in. “What? You have no idea what you’re talking about,” Alex said.

She could feel her heart pounding. She was a good judge of character, and she did not want to believe what Kim was saying but where, how and why on earth would she come up this nonsense?

“Last night I went over to Billy’s house, I thought she wouldn’t be there so I used my key and you wouldn’t believe what I walked in on… Billy and your so called girlfriend were on the couch doing things to each other you only see in adult movies,” Kim said.

“You’re lying!” Alex said.

“What reason would I have to do so? I have already lost Billy. I have nothing against you or Jesse. I only went to Billy’s place with the intention to talk some sense into her, but when I found her face deeply buried into Jesse’s legs in her sitting room table-.”

“Shut up! Shut the fuck up!” Alex yelled. “None of them would ever do that to me,” she said.

“Oh? Then go ask them, see if they’ll deny it. Don’t forget, nice people always finish last,” Kim said. She sipped on her coffee, then walked out.

Alex sat there, dazed for a full half hour. When she decided to go see if what Kim had told her was true, she was nervous and slightly upset; nervous at what she’d find out and upset at Kim for taking her heartbreak out on people who did not deserve it.

She wanted to wait until evening when she’d see Jesse but she couldn’t, so she left the restaurant and went straight to her office. Alex knew she’d be at work. She’d opted out of going out the previous night because she’d had meetings very early that morning, or at least those were the reasons she’d given.

When she got there, she told herself to keep calm. Kim could have easily been lying. She had reasons to. After how Billy had ended things between them, anyone would have wanted vengeance.

She took the elevator to the fourth floor of the building where Jesse’s offices were located. She resented how loudly her heart was pounding and repeatedly told herself that Kim had been lying. How could Jesse or Billy have sex? They barely knew each other? Billy hardly spent any time around Jesse.

She walked through the hallways and headed to Jesse’s secretary, right outside Jesse’s office. She’d been there a couple of times and the nice young lady knew her so she flashed Alex a big smile and announced to Jesse that she was there to see her before Alex even said a word.

After a minute or so, the secretary told her that she could go in.

Alex held her breath and stepped inside the large lovely office. Jesse was seated on her chair behind her desk. She smiled when Alex walked in and got to her feet.

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