Chapter 3

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Alex’s POV

“I’m sorry if the atmosphere is a little uncomfortable for you,” Alex said. 

She was not used to picking up women from bars but she was pleased Jesse had come with them to the party. Jesse possessed a unique kind of beauty that was impossible to resist. She had a curvy slender body and a gorgeous flawless face. Her easy, effortless smile brightened her features, making her look even more beautiful. 

“I like it, actually. It feels oddly nice,” Jesse said.

“It’s not usually like this. It’s an open club but this is the largest turnout of gay people I’ve ever seen in attendance. They came for Max’s birthday.”

“They must really like her.”

“Well, most of them are friends of friends and they’re here for the free alcohol.”

Jesse softly laughed and her eyes smiled along with her lips. 

Alex had to restrain herself from reaching out and touching her. She hadn’t been with a woman in quite some time now. After her last break up, she’d gone on a sort of relationship sabbatical. She’d stopped dating and sleeping with random women from drunken nights of partying.

She didn’t know if she was ready to get back out there, but something about Jesse dared her to want to try. It was too soon to tell, and maybe she could just be attracted to her with no form of chemistry, but who would it hurt by seeing how far they could go?

“Have you and Billy known each other long?” Jesse asked.

Snapping back to reality, she recalled her childhood with Max and Billy. “Yeah, we grew up together. Our parents were great friends and when Billy lost her parents, my parents took her in. She’s a really wonderful person.”

“She’s your best friend.”

Alex smiled, “Yes, she’s my best friend. I trust her with everything I’ve got and everything I am.”

“That is so sweet.” 

There was a sudden ruckus outside, the music had been shut down and people were running outside. Alex got to her feet, unsure of what was happening and took Jesse’s hand. “Come on,” she said.

She walked out with the crowd that was leaving the VIP lounge and followed the group to find out what was going on. 

“What is going on?” Jesse asked.

Noticing the panic in her voice, Alex stopped and looked at her worried expression. “I think it’s a fight. Let me go check it out. Stay here.” 

Before Jesse could speak, Alex disappeared into the crowd. She went outside where the fight was taking place and found Billy and two other women restraining Max from beating the living daylights out of a guy who was bloodily bleeding on the ground.

When she moved closer, she noticed Billy’s cheek was bleeding and held Max back, demanding to know what was going on. 

Max had always been impulsive and aggressive. When attacked, she could be violent. She was the first born in their family and had always protected Billy and Alex from bullies. She could never, however, fight without being provoked.

The guy bleeding on the ground hurled ugly homophobic insults at Max and she lurched forward as though everyone restraining her was powerless to stop her. She threw a punch that almost knocked him out and Alex grabbed her, stopping her before she beat the poor bastard to death.

“Stop it,” she commanded.

“He started it. Did you hear the nasty things he said about us?” Max asked.

“Look at him, you’re going to kill him. It’s your birthday, control yourself.”

“Max, listen to Alex. This idiot is not worth it,” Billy said.

Alex saw Jesse standing some distance away from the ugly scene and the look of horror across her face made Alex make a quick decision. “Billy, I need you to take Jesse home,” she said.

She was the only one who could control Max and as long as Max still had that look in her eyes, someone could still seriously get hurt. She needed to calm her down.

“What? I can’t leave you in the middle of this,” Billy said. 

“Billy please, I’ll take care of it,” she said, expressing the desperation in her eyes. After a moment, Billy nodded and pulled away. Alex watched as she headed towards Jesse and a moment later, they were gone. 

She turned her attention back to the matter at hand.


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