Chapter 4

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Vi's POV

It's been a whole month since I've stalked Damion. I'm keeping nice notes about him. I'd walk home with negative thoughts about him. Why is she with him? He had way too much to do that he won't notice you.

It's the most dreadful day of the year. Valentine's Day. A day that is special only cause you give your love special shit even though you are supposed to give them special things everyday anyway. (Not like, cars or stuff like that). But for this year, I made a card for Kathy. I'm an artist so it looks special. I'll give it to her today in Math.

School started and I walk to my math class and see Kathy with Damion. Go the fuck away dude. I walk slowly up to her and cough to get her attention. "Oh Vi! It's been forever since I talked to you! Whatcha need?" Damion just gave Kathy a confused face. "W-Well, I made this for you.." I held out my card and she gasped. "Omg! You are such an artist! Thank you Vi! Aw, I wish I could give you something...." I smiled. Just give me your affection and I'll be happy..

Once school was almost over, I was walking out and saw Damion and Kathy at her locker. I stalked and peeped in their convo. "...yeah I just wanted to give you this." She gasped and hugged him. "Omg! Yes, yes, yes!" I looked a bit closer and it was a letter that asked if she would be his girlfriend. My heart shattered.

I walked him depressed. My mind was angry but I was too sad and defeated. Why did life hate me so much? All I want is Kathy and me. All I see is her and him everywhere I look. Tears threaten to fall and I let them. I get a text from Kathy that reads:

Thanks so much for the card! It was very nice and I thank you for that! This is why we are friends! :)"

This hurt my heart more. Friend zoned... It hurts more than you realize. It stings more than a bee. More than getting hit by a truck but with no medical bill. I read and see on social media that they are together "forever." It makes me want to cry. I lay on my bed and cry until I fall into a deep sleep...

Yo, sorry it's been long since I've updated on any of my stories. I'm at a loss on what to write so /:

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