Chapter 11: Last Damn night

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Something is licking my face. I repeat, something or someone is licking my face. What the hell is happening?

I quickly open my eyes to see what's going on, and am surprised to see the answer. A golden brown and white furry face with perked up ears is currently inspecting me.

To be exact, a corgi puppy. After eyeing me for a few more seconds, the adorable furball starts yapping happily and jumps on my legs. I guess he decided I'm not a threat.

Back up. Why is there a corgi here? Also, where exactly is "here"?

I sit up on the full size bed I'm on and look around the unfamiliar room.

The white walls are bare with no pictures or art hanged. Across the bed, there's a mac laptop computer with what seems to be college textbooks laying on a mahogany office table. The dresser to the right of it has several miscellaneous items on top.

I take the blue cotton blanket that was covering me off and slowly rise from the bed causing the puppy to jump off me and lay on one of the pillows instead. I notice that I am still wearing the same clothes. I'm sure my face is a mess now since I slept in last night's makeup.

Shit. I wince after pulling the window curtains open to investigate the strange surroundings better. I regret opening it instantly after the bright morning sun beams in, making this headache I have even worse.

Slowly last night's memories come back to me and I recall those drinks I had. Now I'm paying the price with a monster headache and a bloated stomach.

I try to think back and remember who I was last with at the party.

Let's see, I remember leaving with Ann and Alex. He was going to drop us off in his car since we didn't have a ride. I was sleepy and- wait a minute.

[Last Night]

"Jenny, we're here. Jenny." I hear a voice call out to me.

"Shh, I'm sleeping. Leave me alone. Sleep is important, why are you cutting in on it?"

"I'm trying to help you into your apartment. Where are your keys? They're not in here and no one is answering at your place."

"I don't know." I give one last big yawn and fall into sweet oblivion.


After that foggy flashback, I think I've figured out where I'm at.

I quitely open the bedroom door and see Alex, in his pajamas, cooking breakfast.

His back is facing me as he flips pancakes in a large frying pan. I'm kind of shocked he can make them. That may be because the only thing I can cook is instant noodles.

I take this moment to check out Alex. It should be illegal for someone to look this good so early in the morning in just grey sweatpants and a white tee. His arm muscles are straining against the form fitted shirt as he grabs a plate from the overhead cabinet.

Am I being a bit stalker-ish right now by staring?

Maybe, but I don't care.

"Woof"! The small corgi barks then runs past me to trot his way over to the supposed owner.

"Hey, Dwight." Alex leans down and rubs the puppy's head. Hmm, so he named it Dwight. Interesting choice.

"Are you going to sit down and eat breakfast or just continue checking me out? Either way I don't mind." Alex then turns his gaze in my direction.

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