Chapter 28: The Kids Aren't Alright

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Four Years Ago

“Room 104, Mrs. Hermann.” I repeat quietly to myself almost on a never ending loop. I might have signed up for the course, but my first day jitters as well as trying to know where I’m headed at a still unknown place is causing me to get my class schedule confused. I almost ended up walking into algebra an hour early instead.

I sigh with relief when I spot the number 104 besides the large wooden door to my left and rush into the history class.

There’s still plenty of seating available so I decide to sit in the third row. I’ve never been a fan of sitting in the very front or back rows. Both have pros and cons, so I just usually choose an in-between option.

As students continue to slowly trickle in, I take the opportunity to pull out my spiral notebook and pen from my black messenger bag. I had heard that on the first day, professors usually take it easy and talk about the syllabus and upcoming chapters we will be studying before letting us go. I really hope that’s the case so I can get everything in order. I still have several things to unpack back at my dorm and I need to look for a part time job to pay expenses my scholarship doesn’t cover.

Ever since I’ve moved back to Houston, I haven’t had a chance to relax.

I notice a blonde girl around my age sit at the empty chair beside me and I finally look up to see that the class has rapidly filled up with other students.

“Good morning everyone, I’m Mrs. Hermann and I will obviously be your American History professor.” My attention then turns towards the front of the room where a middle aged woman in professional business attire starts talking behind a wooden podium. “I’m going to call attendance really quick since I do take your attending class seriously. I will also deduct points off assignments if you are ever more than ten minutes late without reason. And telling me that your alarm didn't go off is not a valid excuse. We all know you were probably just too lazy to leave bed.”

She starts calling out names which feels like forever when there’s about fifty students in the small auditorium sized room. I hate that I get nervous for just having to say “Here”. It’s one word yet so bothersome.

After that's complete, she goes on about what we will be learning this semester and how she grades our work. It’s all sounds pretty routine and boring until she drops a not so fun surprise at the end.

“We are done for today, but I will be giving a test on Wednesday. You must read chapter five and be prepared for any question that could possibly be on the exam. There will be no study guide or review because I expect you to know the chapter like the back of your hand.”

“What if we don’t have hands?” Some smart ass kid in one of the back rows asks. I don’t bother looking to see who it is because I’m too busy freaking out about the damn test that was just sprung on us.

“Really Alex, of course you would open your mouth. Shut the fuck up.” Another male voice murmurs somewhere beside his friend. “Ignore him.” He speaks up and you can hear several people snicker.

“To answer the pressing question, if you do not have hands, memorize it like your college education depended on it.” Her poker-faced reaction shows she doesn’t play around. “I’m done for the day so you may leave. Remember, the test is the first of the semester. Don't start off with a failing grade. Have a good rest of the day.”

The room then becomes full of chatter as everyone makes their way out into the hallway.

I begin collecting my materials when the blonde girl beside me calls my name.

Kiss with a fist (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora