Chapter 15: Feel again

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"I can't believe you talked me into this. I knew better but convinced myself otherwise." I huff and drag my feet as I follow Ann around American Eagle Outfitters like a bored five year old.

"Will you stop whining? You are ruining my shopping experience. You act like a child whenever we go shopping. Look at these clothes, don't you like any of them?" Ann suggests as she holds up a pink sequined tank top.

"You know I'm not a fan of pink things." I deadpan. "I'm only acting like a kid cause we've been shopping for over three hours now. My feet hurt."

Ann convinced me to drive her to the galleria early this morning so we could go shopping. Why would I drive all the way uptown to a four floor giant mall on a super busy Saturday? Because I decided to be a good friend. Now I'm being punished since it feels as if we have visited every store. Ann has five shopping bags, I have nothing.

"Oh! Look at this dress, it would be perfect for a date night. Hopefully Asher and I will become official soon. Plus, once you and Alex get together, maybe we can go on a double date."

"That's never going to happen. Maybe you'll go with Rebecca." I roll my eyes. I told her about what Rebecca had told me five nights ago. I conveniently left out the part where I realized I liked Alex.

"She's delusional. Has she talked to you recently?" Ann asks as she raises a lace skirt to inspect the fabric.

"Nope, she's usually at school or out partying." Some nights she comes home so drunk, she falls asleep passed out on the couch. I have no idea how she has time to study. Who knows if she's even passing her classes.

"Hmm, I wonder if she knows you like Alex and made that shit up since she might be jealous."

"I don't know, maybe." I shrug then my eyes go wide when I replay my mistake.

Ann faces me with a devilish grin and I know she's about to gloat. After all, I basically just admitted that I like him. Fuck.

"Shut up." I point a finger at her.

"I didn't say anything." She smiles and pretends to zip her lips.

"I don't care. Shush!"

"Usually I would say I told you so, but it was too obvious. I mean, you trusted him enough to tell him about your past. I know you don't tell just anybody. That was big."

"I hadn't planned to do that. It just happened." I mutter and pretend to look interested in a pile of blue jeans.

"I know, point is, you felt comfortable enough to confide in him. You didn't even tell douche Stephen everything when you guys were dating. You and Alex need to hurry up and get together, y'all are my ship. Ooo! let's come up with ideas for a couple name." Ann adds the last part with a little too much enthusiasm.

"That's my cue to leave. I'm going to go walk around. Call me when you're done."

"I thought your feet were tired." She side eyes me.

"They have uh, regenerated." Yeah, I'm not the smoothest liar.

"Really? Your feet regenerated? You grew new feet? I was not aware you were an extra terrestrial being."

"Yup, see you in a bit." I wave goodbye then speedwalk towards the store's exit.

I just hope Ann won't intervene and say something to Asher who would then most likely tell Alex. Then our friendship will become super awkward and he won't want to be my writing partner anymore.

Am I overthinking this shit? Calm down, Amelia. If Alex finds out, all I have to do is move to another country. Scratch that, I'll just move to another planet. Super simple. All will be fine.

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