Chapter Five.

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“Come on Harry! We need to go!” I called up the stairs. How did I know this was going to happen? It was ten to two. We needed to be at the lecture hall in ten minutes to pick up our schedules. And it was about a ten minute walk away.
“I’m coming!” Harry shouted back.
I had forgiven Harry and Zayn for throwing me in the pool. It was all in jest, and Harry had washed my dress. Harry came running down the steps.
“Lets go!” He said, pushing through the front door, “We’ll be back later guys!”
It was a hot, sunny day and the sunshine beat down on my skin. Tan time! We ran down the street and through the side gate into the university and into the English building.
“We made it!” Harry said, collapsing on a chair.
“We did.” I said, “And in good time too.”
We still had seven minutes until two. Perfect.
A short girl, wearing glasses with shoulder length brown hair approached us.
“Hi.” I smiled.
“Hello, I’m Caitlin, I think I’m on your course.”
“Hi Caitlin, I’m Chloe and this is Harry,” I said, indicating to Harry, who was exhausted from our run.
Harry raised a hand as if to say hello. Caitlin smiled.
“So are you two like… a couple then or what?” Caitlin said.
“OH GOD NO!” I said, laughing, “We’re just mates.”
“Oh sorry!” Caitlin blushed.
“I have a girlfriend.” Harry said, finally.
“Ahh…” Caitlin said, disappointment edging her voice. Harry was a good looking guy.
“So, you’re doing English Lit?” Harry asked, I could tell he liked this girl, after all, she’d taken an interest in him.
“Umm yeah…” She beamed.
“Us too… Where do you live Caitlin?” Harry asked.
“I live on King John’s Street.” Caitlin said.
“Same… What number?” Harry asked.
“Forty … Six… I think…” Caitlin grinned.
“We live in Fifty Five.” Harry said.
“Wow! You’re the rich kids that live in Fifty Five! That’s the one with the pool right?”
“Yeah.” Harry smiled.
“Wow… I live with two other girls, Taylor Davidson and Eleanor Calder.” Caitlin was telling us.
“We live with our friends, Liam Payne, Charlotte Baker, Zayn Malik, Hannah Curtis and Ellie Parsons.” I said. I might as well include their full names, if that was what we’re doing.
“Sounds good.” Caitlin nodded politely.
“Chloe is the only single person in the house.” Harry grinned. Was he amused by this fact? I wasn’t.
“Me too!” Caitlin said, chuckling. Was this a hint at Harry? Harry was looking at her. I smacked him. Don’t you dare hurt my Ellie.
“What the fuck was that for?” Harry asked.
“Lusting after someone who is not your girlfriend.” I said.
Harry looked confused.
“I wasn’t…?” But I just rolled my eyes.
A small, plump lady was using a megaphone to order us around.
Harry burst out laughing.
“What an unfortunate name.” He spluttered.
I elbowed him in the ribs. People were staring. He whimpered and then stopped laughing, just silently sniggering.
A mass crowd moved into room 106b. It was a lecture room, with a screen at the bottom, and seats going all the way back.
“Let’s go to the back.” Harry said, pulling me up the stairs so we could sit right at the back.
“Before this lecture starts, Styles, I need a word?”
“Sure, anything, what’s up?”
“I’m here to learn. Don’t ruin that for me!” I said.
“I won’t, I promise.” Harry said.
Then the lecturer came in.
“Hello… I’m Mr. Ben Dover, head of English Lit.”
“Seriously, what is it with people’s names in this place? Ben Dover… As in Bend Over…!” Harry hissed in my ear.
“Shhh.” I hissed back.
Harry looked down.
“Your proper lectures start on Thursday, but today I am going to hand out your schedules. Some days you can have up to four lectures, others you can have none.” Mr Dover said.
It sounded pretty good, some days off. It was a two week timetable. It was Monday today, and if lectures didn’t start until Thursday, we had bags of time to suss this place out. This was gonna be awesome. The schedules got handed out, Harry studied his.
“We have no lectures on Friday of this week.” He said.
“Get in there!” I said.
“Two on Monday, one on Tuesday, but it doesn’t start until 5pm…” Harry muttered to himself.
We left the lecture hall and headed back to the house.
“We should have a party.” Harry announced, as we walked up King John’s Street.
“Who would we invite?” I asked. It was all very well and good saying we’d have a party, but we didn’t know anyone.
“That Caitlin girl and her housemates.” Harry suggested.
“And…? Ten people isn’t a party.” I said.
“Well, they could invite their friends.” Harry said.
“Maybe later, when we know more people.” I said.
Harry deflated.
“It’s not fair.” He said.
At that point, I burst into song “It’s not fair and I think you’re really mean, I think you’re really mean!”
“You’re supposed to care, but you never make me scream.” Harry said.
“Slightly awkward lyrics there.” I said. We had reached the door now and I was unlocking it.
“HELLOOO?” I called out.
“IN THE GARDEN!” I heard Ellie shout back.
We went through the patio doors into the garden and began comparing schedules.
“Chloe?” Liam said, after a while.
“Yes?” I said.
“What are you making for dinner?”
“Chicken Tikka Masala!” I announced.
“Your mum’s?”
“Yep.” I said, popping the p.
“Off you go then.” Liam said.
“I just need to stick it in the microwave.” I said.
“We’re starving, it’s 6:30.”
“Is it?” I said, looking at my watch.
So it was… I ambled into the kitchen, shoved the curry in the microwave, and ten minutes later, I served it.
Everyone ate it.
Made a change from last night.
After dinner, we all had a Wii Tennis Tournament. I lost. Harry won.
Then we watched Inception. Which was good, but complicated, and then finally, at 2am, we all went to bed.

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