Chapter Fourteen.

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 Half past ten. I snuck downstairs after everyone had gone to bed. I had convinced everyone to have an early night, god knows how. I think it was because everyone wanted to have sex to be honest. Harry’s been all over Ellie all day, Charlotte and Liam were up to stuff in the shed earlier and Hannah and Zayn… I don’t like to think what they do. So I guessed I wouldn’t be the only one having sex tonight! Although, I wouldn’t have been the only one, because Louis would be too… Otherwise I’d be doing it alone. God, imagine how awkward that would be. Casual sex by yourself. Not nice. I crept down the stairs to the pool. He wasn’t there yet. It was dark so I flicked on some lights. The light reflected off the water in the pool, it looked so magical. I sat by the side of the pool with my feet dangled in, waiting for Louis. As you probably know right now, I like to let my mind wander a lot. So I started thinking about what would happen if Eleanor found out about tonight. Would she kill Louis? Would she kill me? Would she kill herself? Would she break up with Louis? Would she eat loads and loads and get fat? Aha, that would please me. Who’s that plodding along the road? Why it’s Eleanor Calder, the fattest girl in the world. I heard that her parents had to knock a hole in the wall because she couldn’t fit through the door! I heard that she eats twelve packets of Bourbons a day! I hear that all her meals consist of six courses, three of which are pizza! Then they’d make documentaries on her. And she couldn’t go out with Louis anymore. And Louis would have me and we’d live happily ever after in HarryTown, because, after all, it’s a heck of a town. I laughed. At myself. Because I’m not sad. Actually, I can’t call myself sad, because right now, I was waiting for the fittest guy in the world to come to my house so we could sleep together. And I’d slept with Harry. Who was also exceptionally fit. Chloe the hoe. Oh that’s me. Hoie. AHAHA. I’m so funny. Not. Well now, I was getting hungry. I didn’t want to eat anything that smelt, because of my breath. So I walked up to the kitchen and buttered some bread. It was quarter to eleven now. Louis was late. I walked back downstairs with my bread. I chewed it for a bit and decided it tasted stale. Then I heard a kafuffle coming from the stairs. Kafuffle. I love that word. Ka-fuff-le. Ahaha. It was Louis.

“Hey,” I smiled as he came through the door.

“Sorry I’m late!” He sighed.

“No worries,” I said.

He threw his hoodie down on the floor.

“So… I’ve never really done a one night stand before… so what do you do?” I asked.

“Have sex.”


“Yeah, but how do you… start off?” I cocked my head.

“Um…” Louis thought for a while.

And then he did it.

The ultimate sin.

He pushed me in the pool.

“YOU FUCKING PRICK!” I screamed, climbing out of the pool.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

“Oh Louis, want a hug?” I smirked.

“NO!” He shouted, running around the pool.

“Aww come on Louis…” I said.


“Don’t make me cry.”

“I’m here to make you scream, not cry.” Louis said.

I pulled a face.

“My pants are all wet.” I complained.

“Take them off then.”

“Oh you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Like it? I’d fucking love it!” He laughed.

I pushed him in the pool. Revenge. So sweet.


“And I’m wearing…” I started, taking off my wet jeans and T Shirt, “Nothing.”

Louis laughed, pulling his jeans off too.

I jumped in the pool in just my bra and pants.

“Kinky,” Louis winked, he pulled off his shirt.

“Kinky,” I laughed.

I swam over to him. He took the back of my head in his hands and he pulled me into a kiss. I could taste the chlorine on him. He moved his hands lower and I moved mine to the back of his neck.

“Wanna take this to the floor?” Louis mumbled.

“Okay, but can we get out of the pool first? Otherwise, we might drown.”

Louis laughed.

“I thought I wasn’t funny.” I said.

“Well, I lied. I lie about a lot of things. I lied about how I wanted this to be meaningless. I lied about how I didn’t still love you all these years. I lied about…”

“You still love me?”

“As a friend.” Louis hastily said.

“Okay,” I sighed and relaxed onto him.

“Hey Louis,” I said.


“Did you get a boner over me when you first came to our house?” I asked.

He blushed.


“Thought so.” I smiled, and started kissing him again, to save anymore embarrassment for the poor guy.


“That was…”

“Amazing?” Louis finished, with a smirk.

“I was going to say great, but amazing works too…” I laughed.

“I’ve missed you.” Louis said into my neck.

We were on the sofa in the pool room. We’d just finished… umm… yeah. And now we were covered in a blanket, talking.

“I’ve missed you too.” I sighed, “When you went to America, I was broken.”

“I was broken without you.” Louis said.

“How did you meet Eleanor?”

“At school.” Louis said.

“Did you fancy her?” I pried.

“I don’t know… Maybe… A tad.” He sighed, “What about you then, what’s your sex life been like?”

“Cheeky,” I said, rolling my eyes, “Pretty quiet.”



“I’m not over you, and I know that I should be.”

I gasped.

“And I know that I never will…”

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