Chapter Ten.

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I woke up. Oh my head. This is why I don’t get drunk often. Ha, did I have you there? Did you really think that I never got wasted? Did you also know they’ve taken gullible out of the dictionary? Ha, you easy to fleece shit. I get wasted all the time. And gullible is still in the dictionary. Check if you don’t believe me. Who am I kidding? Of course you believe me, you believe anything.
After a few minutes, it came apparent to me that my head was resting not on a bed, but on a person. A bare, man’s chest to be precise. Well, obviously my first thought was that I’d scored Louis, since I couldn’t remember anything of what happened last night. I could have gone to Narnia and enrolled myself at Hogwarts as far as I was concerned. I was drunk senseless. Then it struck me that this could be anyone. Someone that I’d decided I wanted to fuck. Then the thought of having sex with a randomer made me feel sick. I had come to my senses now and decided that it wasn’t Louis, because it didn’t have his smell. He wears Lynx Excite and some Hollister spray. One of the few things that hadn’t changed about him. This guy was not Louis. I did recognize the smell, vaguely. It was familiar, but not too familiar. I obviously didn’t sniff this person a lot… Not that I sniff people… I’m not weird or anything… Quickly moving on; my stomach settled a bit when I realized I knew the smell… So it was someone I knew and not some randomer. I don’t know why I didn’t just look up at their face. I didn’t want to see who I had just slept with. This was like Cluedo, but with no murder, weapons, rooms, Miss Scarlet, Ms White, Mrs Peacock, Professor Plum, Reverent Green or Cornell Mustard. So really, it wasn’t like Cluedo. But I bet I impressed you with my Cluedo knowledge. It was more like that other game actually, Guess Who, I think it’s called… Where you say stuff like ‘Do you have blue eyes…?” And then eventually you say ‘Are you Nick?’ or something like that. Well actually, it wasn’t like that either… But do you know what, that is beside the point. After about five minutes of plucking up the courage to look at my mystery man. And when I did I had the biggest fucking shock of my life.
“HARRY!” I screamed.
“What? Ellie?” He grumbled. I pulled the duvet off him and covered myself, revealing his dick.
“WOAH FUCK!” I shrieked. I forgot he had one of those.
“OH MY GOD!” Harry jumped out of bed, “WHAT THE HELL?”
“I DON’T KNOW.” I cried, “DON’T BLAME ME!”
“DID WE…?” He asked.
Well, this wasn’t how I planned my morning. You see, I expected to get up, take some paracetamol, have a healthy breakfast, do some yoga on the decking and then go for a run, all in time for our lecture at like, five or whenever it was. Only joking, I planned to stay in bed as long as possible, have a fry up, watch Disney Channel all morning, have a sandwich, watch a film, play some X-Box and then be fashionably late for our lecture. You’re so gullible. Seriously!
Nothing gets by this kid.
“How about me? Imagine my disappointment when I woke up next to you, I thought you were Louis.” I said.
“Chloe… Stop being so fucking childish… Ellie’s gonna kill me.”
Not if I do first for calling me childish.
“She probably doesn’t even know.” I said.
“Well, you’ll have to take it like a man… It’s not like we meant it, I mean, we were drunk out of our minds last night.” I said.
“Chill Haz,” I said.
“I mean, it’s alright for you, you got to sleep with me.” Harry said.
Well, someone thinks highly of themselves. Now everyone, sit back and relax as you watch me freak Harry Styles out.
“You couldn’t have been that good,” I said, casually.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, when I have really good sex, actually, doesn’t have to be really good, just average, I get a pain right here,” I said, pointing at… you know what, that one will stay between Harry and I.
“So maybe we didn’t have sex?” Harry said.
“Or maybe, you’re not that good.”
“Okay, quit fucking around.”
“I’m not fucking around, I’m mucking around. There is a difference, fucking around was what we did last night,” I laughed.
“WILL YOU CALM DOWN?” I demanded.
Harry glared at me.
And that is how you successfully wind up Harry Styles.
“What?” He grunted.
“You should really get dressed, because when you yell, your dick does this little dance.”
“Because it’s at my eye level, not that there is much to look at,” I added cheekily. Okay, maybe that was a step too far. Never insult a man’s manhood. Ever.
Harry would have hit me. It was in his eyes. He was raging with anger. I’d done it now.
“Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry!” I said.
I hated to see him like this, and pissing him off would only make it worse.
“Will Ellie have left for her lecture yet?” Harry asked.
“Yes. She was leaving at eleven.” I said.
It was eleven fifteen now.
“Okay, so maybe, hopefully, she just thought I passed out somewhere around the house, or I’d gone somewhere. I’ll make up a story. Meanwhile, let’s get dressed and grab some breakfast. Oh and Chloe?”
“Yeah?” I said.
“This was meaningless.”
“I know?”
“Good, I don’t want you getting any ideas.” Harry wrapped a blanket around his waist and headed out of the room.
The fucking cheek of the boy. I knew it was meaningless. I was so drunk; I would’ve slept with a parrot if it had given me signals. I pulled on my pajamas and went downstairs.
And who should be sat at the kitchen table?
“Morning.” He smiled.
“Hi.” I said.
Hang on, hold up, and stop the parade… Louis doesn’t live here… So what was he doing in OUR house, drinking OUR coffee?
“If you’re wondering why I’m here,” Louis began (MIND READER MUCH), “It’s because I passed out in your living room with Ellie.”
“Ellie Parsons?”
“Yeah? Who else?”
Phew, things were looking up. She wouldn’t have known that Harry and I had sex now.
“Your Ellie…”
“Her name isn’t Ellie, it’s Eleanor.”
“Same difference,” I muttered, walked to the cupboard to get out some food.
“Hey, what’s with the swagger?” Louis asked.
“Swagger?” I wasn’t Cher Lloyd thank you very much, and I had no desire to be.
“Someone got laid last night.” Louis winked.
Well, what a crude way of putting it.
“Oh please, I can read you like a flaming book.” Louis said, “Who was it then?”
“It was that guy, Mr. NOBODY.” I huffed.
Louis just laughed.
“You had that same swagger when we were dating.”
When we were dating… Those words made me want to cry.
“Well… People change.”
“Yeah, they do, but their swagger doesn’t.” Louis chuckled, getting up and leaving the room.
“Bye then.” I grumbled under my breath.
Deary me, some people these days! No manners.
At that point I spilt the cornflakes on the floor.
Liam can clean it up.
Is that bad manners?
Oh well, hypocrisy strikes again.

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