Chapter Nine.

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Midafternoon, the day after Harry kissed me. Ellie, Charlotte, Hannah and I were in my room, getting ready for the party. Ellie was wearing a green silk dress that pulled in slightly at the waist, Charlotte had on a fuchsia strapless dress and long black boots, Hannah was wearing a plain black dress, but she had, what Harry called ‘Hannahed-It-Up’ with some quirky accessories. She had a batman logo necklace, accompanied with Batman Logo earrings and a batman logo bangle. And to top it all off, she had black converse on, with yellow batman logos spray painted on.

“We are the sex.” Charlotte said, crowding around the mirror.

We truly were.

“Speaking of sex…” Ellie giggled.

Why did you giggle? Now we are all enticed to hear what dirty things you and Harry got up to last night. Actually, I was interested. More interested than I should be. NO I AM NOT SOME WEIRD PHYSCOTIC PERVERT! I just wanted to hear if Harry had been acting strangely. He’d hardly spoken to me, however, I was avoiding him. So it was probably my fault…

“What happened?” Hannah giggled in return.

Oh, more giggling. What were we, seven year olds that had just heard the word ‘boobies’? No. We were mature, sophisticated adults- OH WHO AM I KIDDING?

“Harry was really, really dirty last night.” Ellie smirked.

I giggled. There I am, a hypocrite. Shoot me down.

No, to be honest, I was really happy for Ellie. I was worried Harry had like feelings for me, but by the sound of Ellie’s rather graphic descriptions, Styles wasn’t particularly bothered by our kiss. After more giggling, and laughing and cooing and whatever else we did, we moved on to the subject I dreaded. Louis William Tomlinson.

“So Chloe…” Hannah simpered, “You’re seeing Louis tonight.”

“So?” I said, applying mascara.

“So… You love him.” Charlotte said.

“I wouldn’t call it love.” I said, dismissively.

“What would you call it then?” Ellie asked.

“A harmless crush.” I said.

“Can you wait to see him?” Hannah pried.

“Yes, actually, I can. When you’ve seen a man’s dick, he’s never quite the same.”

“What’s his dick like?” Ellie asked.

Did you just ask that Ellie? Seriously? Did you just ask me what Louis Tomlinson’s dick was like?

“Ahh, Ellie. That would be telling.” I smirked.

Ellie frowned. Yeah Ellie, that’s right, go ahead and pull sad faces. I don’t fuck and tell, love. Not like you. Actually, that an itself is a big fat lie. When Louis and I first slept together, I was full of it, keen to share every detail. Hypocrisy strikes again. But that was the old me, this was the new, improved me. The mature (YEAH RIGHT) adult you see right here in front of you.

“Give us something here Chloe… Your inner most feelings?” Charlotte tried.

“At the moment I feel…” I started

“Yes?” They all looked at me expectantly.

“Like a chicken club sandwich. Anyone got three quid? I might pop to Subway.”

They all sighed.

Well I’m sorry if my cravings aren’t enough to get you gossiping.

“Oh my feelings about Louis?” I smiled. These guys were my best friends, teasing them wasn’t nice… Sometimes teasing is good, even the occasional ‘frape’. I once ‘twaped’ Hannah… It was very funny… But now I’m going off the tandem slightly. What even is a tandem? Isn’t it like a bike that two people can ride? Ooh, that sounds kinky… SHUT UP BRAIN, I’M TRYING TO GET SOMEWHERE HERE.

“Yes!” Charlotte said.

“Well… I don’t know… I mean, he comes back into the country, doesn’t think to let any of us know, he’s got a new girlfriend, who is a total slapper by the way, he doesn’t even hug me, gets a boner at me, accuses me of being a hostile bitch and then comes back to our house. Meanwhile, I still have exceptionally strong feelings for him… So… Make of that what you want.” I sighed, falling onto the bed.

The rest of them exchanged sympatric glances.

“It’ll get better.” Ellie encouraged.

“I hope so.” I sighed.

“It will,” Charlotte smiled.

“I have a plan, on how we can sort this all out.” Hannah grinned. That grin scares me. It’s her ‘I’ve got a plan that will probably end up making one of us lose all their limbs, but it will be a hell of a lot of fun’ grin.

“And what’s that?” I asked, eyebrow raised.

“We kill Eleanor!” Hannah cackled.

“Classy,” Ellie said, sarcastically

“And illegal.” Charlotte added.

I laughed.

“Hell no, I’m going to seduce Louis.” I said.

Hannah, Charlotte and Ellie burst into hysterical laughter, like it was the funniest plan in the world.

“And how do you propose you do that?” Ellie spluttered.

“Get me senselessly drunk, and we’ll see how it goes from there,” I said, winking and leaving my bedroom, clomping down the stairs in my ridiculously high heels.

The house was packed.

We didn’t have this many friends.

I swear.

And then I saw Louis.

Girls surrounding him.


“Oh Louis!” I called, breaking through the crowd. He looked up.

“Chloe.” Ouch. That was one frosty tone he had there. And if looks could kill…

“Can we talk please?”

“Sure.” He stayed sat in his seat.

“Privately.” I added.

“Fine.” Louis huffed. Oh I’m sorry, is talking to me a chore for you?

I led him upstairs and into my room.

“Nice room.” He said, looking round.

“Sit.” I ordered.

“I’m not a dog.” Louis spat.

“Surely you of all people know not to get on my bad side.”

“And surely you know not to get on mine.”

Stop turning me on. Please.

“Just listen to me. Look, I know I was bang out of order yesterday, but well… I was a bit hurt that you didn’t give me a proper hello.”

“Oh.” Louis’ face softened, “Well do you want one now?”

“Well, I’m not really asking, I just wanted to clear the air and-“ But Louis cut me off, he pulled me into a gentle hug.

If I had a dick, it would be sky high by now.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

“Anytime.” Louis smiled back.

“I should head back to the party…”

“Yeah… See you later.”

“Yeah… Later.”

I sighed. Dear God Chloe, you have got it bad

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