Chapter Six.

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I pulled myself out of bed. Never easy, especially with a hangover. I pushed my hair up into a rough ponytail and went downstairs, still in my pajamas. I was the first up; I got an orange juice and some cornflakes. Just as I was finishing my breakfast, there was a knock at the door. Was it a bit early for visitors? No, it was 10:30… Dear god, I lived with some lazy people. I looked down at myself. Was I respectable for guests? I was wearing purple checkered shorts that said ‘All I Want Is Everything’ on them and a grey vest top that said ‘Bel Air High 33’ on it…

Well, I couldn’t get changed now. I hurried to the front door. Ah crap, now I couldn’t undo the door.

“Hang on!” I called.

I heard a laugh on the other side of the door. A male laughed. Then I heard a female muttering something and the male laughed again. Two people. Oh dear god.

Finally, I got the door open.

“Chloe!” The voice was thick with shock.

Oh my god.

Oh my life.

What the hell is going on?

“Louis…” I said, quietly.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I… I… Go to school… Down the road… University.” I managed to get out. This boy was in America. This boy should be at college. In an Ivy League college in America… Like Yale… Or… What the fuck was I on about? What was Louis doing in England? And if he really was here and this wasn’t some twisted dream, then why hadn’t he contacted me to say he was in the country? We’d lost contact ages ago, but I would’ve thought that he would have wanted to come and see me… I mean us…

“Me too, what are you studying?” He asked.

“English Literature.” I said.

“I’m studying English Language. I guess we’ll be in the same building.”

“Honey, are you going to introduce me?” The girl’s voice was layered in a thick American accent, which made her sound like she didn’t know her five times tables.

“Oh Eleanor… This is Chloe… Chloe, this is my girlfriend, Eleanor.”

I smiled sweetly.

“Hi Eleanor!”

“Lovely to meet you… I haven’t heard much about you.”

Oh that’s just great. I knew Louis wouldn’t have talked about me to his new girlfriend. Who admittedly, was stunning. Louis pointed at my chest.

“Bel Air.” He smiled.

“Oh yeah…” I said, distantly.

“Eleanor’s from West Philadelphia, born and raised.” He sniggered.

Fresh Prince of Bel Air jokes. To be honest, I wasn’t in the mood.

“Wow, awesome pad.” Eleanor said, walking in.

Oh that’s great, just invite yourself in. I don’t even like you.

“Take a look around. Please excuse me for one moment.” I said, flying up the stairs and running into Ellie and Harry’s room.

I jumped on the bed and they awoke with a start.

“What the-?” Harry said groggily.


“WHAT THE FUCK? ARE YOU HAVING ME OVER?” Harry jumped out of bed.


He got out of bed and ran down the stairs, I followed. Louis and Eleanor were in the kitchen.

“BOOBEAR!” Harry shouted and pounced on his best friend, giving him a huge hug.


Oh great, you have your nice reunion. Just forget about me… We only slept with each other like… a hundred times. Ellie came through the kitchen doors.



Just hug her too, I swear you never even talked to her.

“This is gonna be complicated, Ellie and Ellie.” Louis laughed.


Liam came through the door.

Surprise, surprise. HUG.

Along comes Zayn.


And cue Charlotte.


Hi there Hannah.


And what do I get, some shit joke about a nineties TV show and an incredibly awkward moment. Oh what a lucky girl I am. That was sarcasm, by the way.

“Are you gonna hang out here today, Lou?” Harry asked.

Oh yes, why don’t we have Louis here all day? What a treat. Sarcasm again folks.

“We’d love to!” Louis grinned.

Oh joy, and her as well. What did I ever do to deserve all this? Okay, I’m gonna drop the sarcastic comments now. I’m above this.

“Chloe… Can I talk to you?” Charlotte asked.

I nodded and we left the room.

“How are you coping with this?”

“Shity.” I said. I didn’t think shity was a word, but it might as well been.

“I thought so.” Charlotte said, hugging me.

“He didn’t even hug me.” I said.

“I know… I know… Get yourself dressed.” Charlotte said.

I didn’t exactly get dressed. I got into a bikini. Because I was planning on going swimming. And it was a hot day. My bikini was Hollister and navy with white spots on it. I went downstairs. Everyone now seemed to be in swimwear, apart from Eleanor. Louis was borrowing a pair of Harry’s trunks. I walked out onto the decking.

Louis’ jaw dropped.

Ahh, the reaction I was going for.

I noticed a buldge appearing through Louis’ trunks.

I bet you couldn’t get Louis hard just by being there, in revealing swimwear, Eleanor.

“To the… uhhh….Pool?” Louis said, not taking his eyes off me.

Louis and Harry went down the stairs. I hung back.

“Did you see his face?” Hannah said.

I nodded.

“I think what you meant was,” Ellie began, “Did you see his dick?”

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