,.-~*'¨¯¨'*·~-.¸-Chapter Ten-,.-~*'¨¯¨'*·~-.¸

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(Y/N)'s POV
We walk down a flight of stairs.

"Holy cow, look at all this redstone stuff!" Maya says. She points at multiple repeaters, strings of redstone dust, and levers.

"I understand absolutely nothing," I say, dumbfounded.

Fish starts sniffing around. I pick him up and he keeps sniffing the air, making me smile.

"I really hope that Ellegaard will be able to help us," I add. I put Fish down and start looking around.

I come across a lever and pull it. A few sand blocks move up and down in a sequential order. I pull another lever on the other side and the same thing happens, only different sand blocks move. Together the two machines make a lot of noise, which starts to get to my head. I cover my ears and stumble as I do so. I hit a pressure plate, which reveals a doorway. We walk into another room. The doorway closes, cutting off the sound of the sand blocks, thank goodness. There are about two thousand more redstone mechanisms in the next room, all of which I know nothing about.

"I've never seen this much redstone, ever," I say. "I still understand absolutely nothing."

"That is a lot of redstone," Maya replies.

We continue going. Maya and Fish run through a door frame made of gold. Before I have the chance to walk through, the gold blocks are thrust together by pistons. I gasp as they do so. The blocks move in and out quickly, blocking my chances of getting through.

"What the heck?" I shriek. I then notice a repeater on the side of the door. I use it, and the blocks slow down. The blocks slow down. I use the repeater again. The blocks slow down more and give me enough time to jump through.

"Nice!" Maya says. She then turns to the machinery. "Look at all that stuff being moved around through those chutes."

"Yeah, this is all so crazy," I say. "Anyways, we should keep going."

She nods and I go off to look around. I spot a lava curtain, and a lever next to it. I pull the lever and the lava stops flowing. The remains fall into nothingness. I'm simply lost for words.

We then come across a giant two-block-wide wall of iron. I see a button and push it. A few bats fly out from a distance.

"What is that even for?" Maya asks.

"I don't know, but I love bats!" I answer. "They are so cute!"

"You love every animal, (Y/N)," she says. I smile in agreement.

I continue to look around. I pull a lever on the wall next to the iron blocks and they separate like a zipper. They reveal an opening. We walk through that opening and are brought up into a zero-gravity tube. I myself am terrified, but try not to look down. I stay as close to the wall as possible, thinking about how if Aiden was here, he would be calming me down and helping me through this situation. I just imagine that he is here, holding my hand, guiding me up. I take deep, shaky breaths.

We finally make it to the top where we find another room. In the room is the one and only Ellegaard. We sort of just stand there, silently, neither of us knowing what to say.

"Time to pace back and forth and check the systems," she mutters. I walk up to her, trying not to scare her. "Inventory request? Operational. Delivery latency? Speedy. Still talking to myself? Yep."

I touch her shoulder.

"Whoa, hi!" she says, whipping around. "I didn't see you sneaking up on me! Uh, don't touch anything in here. Everything is supremely fragile and genius. Did Calvin send you? Are you my new assistants? New assistants with a stupidly adorable cat, that is!"

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