Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Sarah sat at a small table set on the balcony eating her breakfast. She had been awakened by a maid. Now this maid was not what Sarah would think of a servant in the Goblin Kingdom. The maid looked human.

Sarah watched her clean up the room and as she began to set out clothing for her to wear for the day. She had yet to see anything of Jareth. She had a feeling that he would soon make an appearance. Since last night, she had been thinking about why he would allow her to see her friends. Of course she stilled know why he had brought her back Underground.

Glancing out over the Goblin City, Sarah sighed. There had to be a reason for everything. She needed to find out what was going on. When she saw her friends, she would ask them if they knew anything.

The maid walked to the French doors. "M'lady, it is time for your bath."

Sarah glanced over at her. She slowly stood up and followed her inside.


Jareth sat at his desk in his study. The remains of his breakfast sat on one side of his desk. In front of him sat a new summons from the High Court. The High King was still demanding he come to Court. Oh, he would, but not until Sarah was his queen. It was her fault the High King was demanding he make an appearance.

Sighing, Jareth stood up. The High King not only wanted to meet Sarah, now that she was Underground; he also was demanding that Jareth marry soon. Did he not think that Jareth had brought her Underground so he could marry her? Jareth walked towards the windows.

He looked out over his kingdom. Sarah would be getting dress soon. He would allow her sometime alone before he summoned her friends to the castle. Jareth placed his hand on the window frame. What would she be wearing? All of the gowns in the wardrobe were fit for a queen.

Jareth placed his forehead on his forearm. Over the hours since had come up with his plan to get Sarah to marry him, he slowly began to realize that it was not a good idea. He could not threaten to hurt Toby. He saw himself in the boy. He truly liked him. Actually, he had planned that after Sarah and he were married, he would bring Toby Underground. There was no way he would force the poor boy to remain with his parents without Sarah to save him.

Jareth glanced at the clock over the mantle. He could check to see if Sarah was dressed, but which way. Jareth smirked. Agatha would say nothing if he walked into room. It was after all his room.


Sarah lounged inside the warm water. The maid was busy cleaning up her breakfast. Sarah relaxed and leaned her head against the tub. Slowly she closed her eyes and lowered her head under the water. She then raised it back up as she heard a door open. Sarah glanced towards the door and shrieked as Jareth walked in.

"What the hell are you doing in here?"

He smirked. "I came to see if you were dressed yet."

Sarah would have stood up, but of course she didn't. "You can see I'm not. So get out!"

Jareth walked closer towards her. Sarah was very grateful for the bubbles covering her. "Sarah, this is my castle. I can go where ever I wish. I am the king."

Sarah clinched her teeth. "I don't care. Get out! Can't you see I don't have anything on?"

"Now, Sarah. Don't you think I know what's under those bubbles?"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

Jareth stood over her. "Think about it, Sarah. I've been watching you for years. Do not you think I have seen you nude?"

Sarah's face became very very red. "Why you pervert? Get the hell out now!"

Jareth bent down and was almost eye level with her. "Watch what and how to speak to me, Sarah. I can decide not to summon your friends today."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, I would. I have every right."

"Says who?"

"I am the king, Sarah. My word is law. It would do well for you to remember that. Now your friends will not be here until lunch. I will allow you to have lunch with them, but after lunch they are to leave. You will spend the rest of the day with Agatha here and learn how to act around me."

Sarah watched as he slowly disappeared. As soon as he was gone, Sarah slapped the top of the water. "Idiotic man. Why did he bring me here? Why is he acting like he owns me?" She glanced over at the maid. "Do you have any idea why I'm here?"

Agatha shock her head. "I am sorry, M'lady, but I do not. I only know what the king allows me to."

Sarah sighed. Well at least he was gone, but then she remembered that the pervert had seen her naked, but when.

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