Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The throne room of The Castle Beyond The Goblin City was filled with immortal deities of old. Dark Hades, Lord of the Underworld, stood beside his lovely wife Persephone, who stood next to her mother, the earthly Demeter. Triton, son of the Great Poseidon, stood with his triton at the ready. Eros's parents stood as far from each other as they could as possible in the tiny room. Aphrodite, while still as beautiful as ever, did not wish to be any where near her former lover, the God of War, Ares. Morpheus stood very close to the Goblin throne, but there was a god who was a hero. He had gone through many trials and in the end became a god and the most famous of Greek heroes. Heracles stood with his divine wife Hebe, goddess of youth.

Achilles would not survive long. His army would be useless against such a strong force of Olympic gods.

Morpheus turned to Jareth, who sat in his throne. "So what is your plan, Goblin King?"

"The High Castle can be attacked by land, but if Lord Triton will attack from the sea, we will then be able to attack if from all sides."

Demeter moved forward. "Do we know where he is holding the girl?"

Jareth sighed. "Not exactly, but I'm assuming that he has her in the tower prison. So we must be sure not to attack it directly."

Triton nodded. "I will do my best not to attack it seeing as it is close to the sea."

Demeter nodded as well. "Persephone and I shall use what plant life there is around and inside the High Castle to our advantage."

Jareth looked at his great-grandmother, whom never wanted to be called that. "Would you use your powers to make them lovesick?"

"Of course, Jareth, but we must be careful. This could still be a trap."

Ares moved towards Jareth. "I have just learned that Achilles has announced that idiot Melanion is going to marry the girl in two days."

Jareth sighed. "So we have a day. We need to be ready as soon as possible. The best time to attack is tomorrow at dawn." Jareth looked at Morpheus. "Will you send word to Helen?"

Morpheus nodded. "Of course. I take it you plan to warn her."

"Yes, Sarah will need to know. She must be warned not to eat or drink anything. Achilles could try anything."

Demeter nodded. "Yes, send word. If he could get hold of Eros's arrows, then who's to know what else he has inside that castle."

Hebe nodded. "Agreed."

Heracles looked around. "You two send your warnings. We need to get out armies moving. We meet to attack at dawn."

Jareth watched as they dissolved, leaving him alone in his throne room. Quickly he transported himself to where his army waited. As he mounted his steed, he glanced out at his vast army, which seemed to be filled with all of his subjects. He could see Sarah's friends as well as creatures that really had no logical reason to be there. Once upon his steed, he urged it forward and his army followed.

After going for miles, of course with the help of magic, and not far from the High Castle, Jareth conjured a crystal. Two goblin soldiers came to stand on either side of his horse to guide it as he slept. He gently blew on it, sending it to Sarah as had once before.


Sarah sat against the wall. She hadn't seen another living soul except for what's his name. Her stomach growled loudly. She hadn't had anything since lunch. Reluctantly, slowly she fell asleep.

Sarah looked around her. She was standing in a field of wild flowers. It seemed she was alone, except for the breeze blowing by. Suddenly she heard footsteps coming towards her. She turned towards the footsteps.

"Jareth!" She ran to him. She all but jumped into his arms. Once she was safely in his arms, Jareth kissed her. When he slowly released her, Sarah looked up at him. "Please tell me this is real?"

"Sorry, Precious. I needed to war you and this is then only way Achilles will not know."

"You are coming for me, right?"

"Of course, I am. My allies and I are arriving at the castle now. We plan to attack at dawn."

"I don't know where I am."

"I have an idea where you are, but don't worry. No one will allow anything to happen to you. Now, Sarah, listen to me. Do not eat or drink anything. It doesn't matter how hungry you are don't. We have no idea what Achilles may have done to it."

"Got it no eating or drinking."

"Morpheus is visiting your mother. I have no idea if she is under Achilles's power. So do not trust her completely."

"Is there a way to know?"

"No, unfortunately."

"Oh, I'll do my best."

"All you need to do is stay out of the way, and as far from Achilles and Melanion."

"Yeah I almost punched him earlier."

Jareth smiled. "That's my Sarah." He glanced over his shoulder. "It's time for me to go." He stepped away from her reluctantly.

Sarah reached out for him. "Can't you stay longer?"

"Sarah, it's almost dawn. I have to go. I have to lead my troops."

Sarah lowered her arm to her side and sighed. "Please hurry."

"I will." Sarah watched as he dissolved in front of her. Slowly the world around her began to grown brighter. Sarah closed her eyes.

Sarah opened her eyes and was met with the stonewalls of her prison. She could only pray that soon she would be free.


Jareth opened his eyes. He still sat atop his horse. His army had camped and now were breaking camp somewhat. Morpheus rode up to him on his dark mount. As he near the Goblin King, the horse slowed.

"I have reached Helen. As far as I could tell she was not under anything, but that can change."

"I told Sarah to be careful and not to trust her completely."

"Good." Morpheus looked at the High Castle. "He does not have many allies nor does he have much of an army."

"True, but he has the woman I love." Jareth urged his horse forward.

Morpheus sighed. "He once had mine as well."

Jareth stopped his horse and turned in the saddle. "What do you mean?"

"There is no time for that now, Goblin King. Know only this. When it is time, I shall be the one to end the life of Achilles."

Jareth nodded and turned back around. Around him the Goblin Army along with the other armies of Ares, Hades, Heracles, and Morpheus gathered, and on the other side, Triton's army waited for the first light of dawn.

Persephone:  The Sequel to The LabyrinthWhere stories live. Discover now