Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Sarah stood on her balcony looking out over the Goblin City. It had been seven days since Jareth had brought her here. She didn't see him for most of the day. Oh, if her friends didn't come for lunch, then he would eat with her. Then of course, they ate dinner together every evening. It wasn't so bad since they hadn't had a fight for days.

Everything was great except she was worried about Toby. Without her life would be hell. She was the one who saved him from his mother. Their father was useless since all he did was work. So now, Toby was defenseless against his mother. Sarah sighed. She needed to know he was all right. She would ask Jareth to check to him next time she saw him. That was all she could do at the moment.

She had hoped Marcela would tell her more about Jareth, but she had remained silent over the last few days. Sarah hadn't seen or heard that Jareth had gotten on to her. So she didn't see a reason for Marcela to stop telling her things.

She also had tried to bring it back up with her friends but not even, they would tell her anything. Hoggle had really expressed that point.

So since it was after lunch and her friends were gone, Sarah was alone, as she had been for days trapped in the suite till dinner. Sarah was once again bored.

"Do you really want to spend another day just watching the city?"

Sarah turned to find Jareth with his arms crossed over his chest leaning against the doorframe.

"What else am I to do?"

Jareth smiled a little. "You could come with me?"

Sarah placed her hands behind her on the wall. "Go where?"

Jareth lowered his arms and moved away from the door and closer towards her. "Oh, just somewhere. I figured that it would be better than standing here looking out over the city."

Sarah almost smiled. "When do we leave?"


Sarah lowered her eyes. "It wasn't about that. I'm worried about Toby."

"Oh. He's fine."

She looked up at him. "How do you know?"

"I'm watching him, Sarah." He held out his hand. "Now come with me. I have to explain why I was so angry about what Sir Didymus told you."

Jareth lead Sarah towards a cave hidden by some bushes. He led her inside and allowed her to sit beside a fountain inside. He turned from her.

"Jareth, what's wrong?"

"The High King is not my father. He's my step father."


"I know you have to know of the myth of Eros and Psyche."

"Of course, I do."

"My mother was their daughter."

"You're mother was Volupta?"


"So what all this about?"

"My mother married for love like her parents, but there was someone who was not happy about this. After I was born, he killed my father and then used on of the golden arrows on my mother. She became the High Queen and left me here. I have ruled my father's kingdom with the guidance of my grandfather."

"You mean Eros has been helping you?"

"Not even my step father will go against the last remaining Greek God."

Sarah looked away for a minute. "What was your father's name?"


"So what exactly are you?"

"I guess I would be a demigod, but here most are demigods."


Jareth walked towards her. "Sarah, I fear what my step-father has planned for you. I know that Marcela told you. I am to be the High King only because of my mother. Since she died centuries ago, I should already be king."

"He wouldn't let you because he has never been able to control you?"

"That and he wants his son on the throne, which can't happen because my father was seen as her only husband. No one has accepted him as her husband and really, he is not the High king. He has never been."

Sarah nodded. "So you have a half brother?"

"Yes. Even he believes he is an heir, but the laws created by my grandparents will never allow him to gain the throne."

"Even if you were to die?"

"I don't plan to do that. Sarah, no one has beaten the Labyrinth. I fear that they may once again get a hold of the golden arrows and use them on you. My grandfather is guarding them and watching them for me."

"Is that why I can't leave the castle?"

"That and if you stay inside the castle I can watch you more easily."

"But why did you get on to my friends about this?"

"Because I hate it when someone says he is my father. There is a good reason why the High King and I do not get along. I am my father's son and I plan to get make him pay what he did to my family."

Sarah stood up and walked over to him. "I'll be careful."

He looked at her. "Sarah, we can only do so much to protect you. Hoggle knows and I have a feeling Sir Didymus knows as well now."

"So what are we going to do?"

"We aren't going to do anything, but when my grandparents arrive, you will remain with my grandmother."

"Eros and Psyche are coming here?"

"Yes. They are coming to help protect you."

"They hate him too don't they?"

"Of course, he stole his daughter."

"How long till they get here?"

"They will be here in a few days. Sarah, don't trust anyone except them, Marcela, your friends, and me. They may be my subjects, but there are those who would like me to be killed."

"I understand."

Jareth lead Sarah out of the cave and back to the castle. Now that she knew, she might marry him sooner than he had planned, or this entire plan could go up in smoke.

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