Problems After Problems

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I ran in the nurse's office as fast as a turtle. I went way faster than I thought because I ate beans last week, which still affected me the week after. I start having a fart attack. I hope the nurse notices the lovely smells coming from one's bottomless.

"Why hello Scrabid. What is the matter?" Mrs. Beefy calls out.

"Hi Mrs. Beefy. My nose is bleeding because I picked it too hard. I had a farting attack on the way here. I lost my underwear. I didn't wipe my butt. I can't-" She stopped me smack-dab on the spot.

"You round-headed goon,  you fool. I cannot believe how popular you will be after such a story. Here, lay down on this water bed and I will grab you a banana." It seemed like Mrs. Beefy didn't notice my nose even though I told her. She must think that I am pooping too much so she got me a banana to eat. I guess my nose won't get any better.

My nose starts bleeding so bad that my whole body turned red. I don't know what to do.

Mrs.. Beefy comes in with a huge sobbing wet sponge and dabs it on my forehead. She is an old lady, so she can barely see me and my nose. She also comes in with a banana and puts it on my foot. I try to balance the banana, but it falls and shatters. How do bananas shatter?

"Thank you Mrs. Beefy, but I actually have a bloody nose for goodness sakes'. PLEASE HELP ME OR I WILL POOP ON YOU.." I get really angry here and start kicking my knees up and down. Mrs. Beefy puts the sponge on my nose.

"I hope your nostrils won't cave in. I've had many other students who had to go to the hospital because they had a bloody nose, and their noses' caved in. It was not a pleasant sight." Mrs. Beefy turned on The Poopish Gang 5 on the TV.

"I love this show. One time, when I was five, I watched this show for over 17 hours straight. I loved it!" I showed her my hand and I gave her a booger as a prize to show my gratitude.

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