I'm Forever Yours, Faithfully (Finchel)

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A/N: I have fell in love with many Finchel stories and I have decided I wanted to try my own, let me know what you think... *I Do Not Own Glee*

Finns POV

My heart begins to race as we approach the train station. I know this is going to break her heart, but keeping her here for another year will break her spirit. I know that as much as it pains me I can't keep her from following her dreams. I bring my car to a stop preparing myself for what is going to happen. 

"We're Here," I said. Rachel looked at the train confused, " Are you joking?" She giggled uncomfortably, "Okay, cause its not funny were gonna be late." This is it.  "You're on the 4:25 to New York." in that instant her face changes, I can see the hurt in her eyes but I continued, "Your dads are gonna meet you there, and they're gonna help you look at dorms and your new school." Breathe. "Your gonna spend four years of your life there and you've never even stepped foot in the place so...."

Rachels POV

I'm sitting here in shock, my brain is trying to piece together what just happened. This was suppose to be the happiest day of my life and now its turning into possibly the worst.  I took a deep breath to avoid breaking down competely. 

"But I.... I have all year to go and look at it." "You're going to go there in the fall. Alright? You're not deferring, " he responded. I lick my lips, trying to figure out the next thing to say while holding back the tears that so deperately wanted to free fall from my eyes.I can feel the ache in my chest. Scrambling to find what to say, the words I never imagined I'd hear left his mouth,   "We're not getting married." I was broken and confused, knowing I had to ask but dreading the possibility of what answer can come after.  "You don't want to marry me?" I ask completely unsure of what his answer would be. I see him open his mouth to answer as I prepare myself to be shut down.  

"I wanna marry you so badly, I can't go through with it. " He pauses as confusion runs across my face. "Yeah, but the thought of you being stuck here for another year because of me, it makes me sick." A mix of emotions is running through my body,  "then come with me. Okay?"  I am talking so fast as desperation is taking over . "We can get married in New York and live in a little shoe box apartment together. It would be romantic." 

"Do you love me," he asked.  "Of course I do," I replied. How could he think I didn't? "Then tell me the truth, and not just something you think I want to hear," he said, "Are you 100% sure you want to marry me?"

I thought for just a spit second. " No-No one is 100% sure of anything," I said. He shook his head as I talked. "I am," he replied, "I am that sure you're something special." Before he was able to continue I put my hand on his shoulder stopping him from saying anything else. "You didn't let me finish," I said, "No one is 100% sure about anything, but I am that sure that I love you. Yes being on Broadway has always been my dream and singing has always been first, but that was before I met you."

He smiled that crooked smile. "Finn, I am telling you now, you are the first person who ever made me feel loved, and sexy, and noticed. There is nothing I want more than to be your wife." I paused, "whether it is today, or down the road, I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I felt the tears building up. " You are my first love, and I want, more than anything, for you to be my last." The tears I have been holding back couldn't be held back anymore and began to roll down my cheeks. Finn was quiet now, he stared in front of us for a minute before turning to look me in my eyes. My heart sank as I waited to see if he was going to fight for me too. 

Finns POV

I thought this was gonna be easier. I thought I could just let her go so she can follow her dreams. Yeah I was gonna be hurt, but I loved her more than anything. I don't want her to put her life on hold for me. Broadway is her first love. After hearing what she had to say I just needed to be sure. 

I turned to her to see she was crying, I wiped her tears away and cupped her face in my hands. She stared at me as I pressed my forehead onto hers. I pulled her in and kissed her passtionately,  "Rachel, are you sure? Are you sure this is what you want?" sighing I continued, " I love you so much and I just don't want you to resent me later."  She looked away. My eyes were locked on her waiting for an answer.

She looked back at me with a little grin,"Finn, I want nothing more then for you to be by my side while I folllow my dreams" She finally looked back at me. I hear the train signalling its close to departure. "Rachel, I have to get you on the train, but I promise I will be there soon."  She smiled her big beautiful smile. "So your coming with me? To New York?"

I smiled, "Yes." Her eyes widened with excitement and she hugged me so tight. We got out of the car and I walked her to the train. Everyone was there. They gave her hugs and wished her good luck. We were at the door of the train now.

" I will see you in a few days, get settled in a hotel for now." I continued, " When I get down there, we will go find our shoebox apartmen-" She cut me off, "What about getting married?" I smiled. "Rach, we can do that in New York, just like I know you wanted." She kissed me. "I love you so much Finn." "I love you too Rach." The train whistle blew, its time for her to go. She smiled at everyone. I gave her one last hug. 

The doors for the train closed and I was searching for her face among the windows. There she was. She smiled. I blew her a kiss and as the train was taking off I followed her as far as I could. 

Rachels POV

This day was completely unexpected. I thought today was my wedding day. But instead I almost lost everything. I am glad I was able to convince Finn that he was the person I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. Now he is coming with me to New York. I must say it makes sense to me. His love is so clear. He was willing to set me free, that was the most unselfish thing someone could do for me. I promise no matter what I will help him follow his dreams like he is helping me follow mine.


Rachel fell asleep on the train. She was exhausted from the crying.

Finn went home and began to pack his stuff. He told his mom and Burt his plans and they agreed. He was an adult now, so what more can they say. He just has a few things to finish up. Then he will be off to New York..

A/N So what did you guys think? I wanted to do the train scene because that was the most heart felt scene. I am new to this and I just hope everyone enjoyed. I will post an update soon. :)

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