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*I do not own Glee*

Rachels POV

Summer has gone by fast. But I had a good time. Finn has a job at a restaurant, which is getting us by for now and Kurt, well he is doing something that involved one of his favorite things. Fashion. He works as an intern for Isabelle Write at Vogue Dot Com. Yeah, he is so lucky.

I have dance next and I am actually pretty nervous. Once I had seen my schedule I showed Kurt. He knew who my dance instructor Cassie July was. Apparently, shes evil. Not to mention she completely embarrassed herself.

I take a deep breath and walk into class.

Finns POV

The summer has been cool. We got to explore New York on our own and Rachel dragged me to what seems like a billion broadway shows. I got a job at an Italian restaurant called Patsy's. Its a pretty nice place to eat, so the money is good.

I just can't figure out what I want to do with my life. I mean Kurt didn't get into NYADA, but he is working in a place he actually likes and has a passion for. I'm not sure what my passion is. Sometimes I wonder if I should have just left and let Rachel live out her dreams without me. Shes eventually gonna realize her fiance is a Lima Loser.

"Hello Sir, My name is Finn I will be your server this morning, could I start you off with something to drink?" God I hate my job.

Rachels POV

I am so glad to be home. I am so exhausted and annoyed. Cassie completely hates me and I just dont understand why. Everything I did today she criticized me. I am not too use to criticisms. I wish Finn was home. I really needed a hug right now. I feel so down about myself. I think I will take a nap. I text Finn

Hey so what you thinking for dinner? -R

I'll grab some take out if thats okay with you? -F

Sounds good, miss you and love you. -R

Okay see you soon. Love you too. -F

As soon as I read the text I feel asleep.

I woke back up around 4 o'clock. I checked my phone to see I had a text from Finn. 

I got some Chinese food, be there in 10 mins. -F

Hmm that was 20 mintues ago. Where could he be? I decided to make myself a pot of tea. Then I hear the door open. My love was home from work. 

"Hey you I missed you." I welcomed him with a kiss. "I missed you too, sorry I was late I missed the train." I love that he wants to reassure me. "Its okay, I just woke up from my nap." 

We both sat down to eat.

Finns POV

I want to tell Rachel about my day, but I feel that if I do she will think I hate it here. I mean I hate my job, but I don't hate it here. I just wish I had something to do better for myself. I wouldn't mind working at the restaurant part time and going to school, but seeing as I have no aspirations I am not that lucky. 

Rachels POV

Finn is acting pretty weird tonight. He is barely saying much. "How was your day?" I finally ask. 

He seems hesitant to answer, but he finally does, "Um it was okay. How was school?" 

"It was nice, I did a performace for Carmen's class today and everyone loved it, but I just hate my dance teacher, shes really tough." He is like totally ignoring me. "Finn?" I can tell he is deep in thought, but what is he thinking about?

Finns POV

I can hear Rachel talking, but I'm not paying attention. I just wish I knew what to do with myself. I am such a loser. How can someone like her want to marry or even be with a  man like me. I have no future. I can say it over and over. I have no future, I have no future. 

I just wish I can be a better man for her. I want her to be proud to say I am hers. I was so deep in thought I hadn't realized that she had noticed. 

"Finn?" I came out of my thoughts. "Yeah, thats cool Rach."  "Okay spill it," she says. My eyes kind of widen "Spill what?" I ask. "You know Finn, what are you thinking about?" 

"Nothing." Man I know she isn't gonna believe me. "Your lying, I know something is wrong, please don't lie to me." I knew I had to tell her, we made a promise never to like to eachother. "I'm a loser okay I said it!" I walk away and sit on the couch, head in my hands. "I have no dreams, no future. How are we suppose to marry eachother when the only job I'm ever gonna have is in a stupid restaurant." 

She is kneeling in front of me now. She pulled my hands away from my face and now she is cupping my face in her small hands. I love her touch. "Finn, I love you and I told you that we will find your dream together. I know its in there somewhere, we just need to find it." 

"I just don't feel like I can make you proud, I fee like you deserve better." She pulled away and stood up. Grabbed my face, kind of rough actually. Ow. "Listen to me okay? I am grown and I can determine who I think I deserve. I should be the one who doesn't deserve you! Look at me and look at you!" She lets go of my head and I put it down. "Your beautiful Rachel." 

"And your amazing Finn, I just wish you could see what I see." She looked at me in my eyes, " I don't care what you think, you're my everything and no matter what I am going to be here." I smile at her. She has so much faith in me that I wish I had in myself. 

Rachels POV

I really do mean it when I say I wish he can see what I see. I think I need some help. I need to pull him out of this funk. "I'll be right back." I run into the room and grab my phone. I made a very important phone call. 

After I was done I walked out the room. Finn was still sitting on the couch looking down. I walk up so I am face to face with him, well not really he was still looking down, "Tomorrow I have class, but I get out at 12, I booked us two tickets to Lima." He looked up at me. "What?" 

"I am finished with classes for the week after tomorrow and I think we should go home for the weekend. Visit the Glee Club." He smiled, I knew this would cheer him up. He loves McKinley and he loves the Glee Club, especially Mr. Shue. 

"Your the most amazing girl I have ever met. " He got up and gave me a hard kiss. "Your the most amazing guy, I would do anything to make you happy." He smiled his half smile. "Now lets go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."  I said as I took his hand and dragged him to the room. 

I hope you guys liked it. I am still getting the hang of this. Please comment any suggestions or what you think about the story so far.  

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