New York, New York

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*I do not own Glee*

Rachels POV

The train finally came to a stop. I was here in New York City. I couldn't believe I actually made it. 

I walked outside full of excitement. I took a moment to take in my surroundings. "Wow!" Just then my phone started ringing. It was my dad Leroy. 

"Welcome to New York baby!" He said with a laugh. I smiled, "thanks dad, where are you guys?"

"We are at the Hilton in Times Square." I can tell he had a smile on his face. I hear it in his voice. "Take a taxi here, see you soon." After hanging up I went to the street and caught the first taxi. Hmmm beginners luck I thought to myself.

Finns POV

It has only been a few hours since Rachel left and I already miss her. If I miss her already how was I suppose to let her go. I am glad I was talked out of that crazyness. I have a few more things to do then I will be off tomorrow. 

I made the call. "Hello Sergeant Johnson?" I was a little nervous. I only took my ASVAB and talked to a recruiter, but I wasn't sworn in. So I shouldn't be that nervous, but I was. "Yes Finn, are you coming in for the ceremony tomorrow afternoon?" The man replied. Okay Finn, be brave. "Sorry Sergeant, but I have changed my mind," I said. He paused then replied, "Are you sure?" He continued. "If you choose to do this later your scores will still be the same, but you will have to go through the process of waiting all over again." I smiled, "Yes, I am sure, I am sorry to have wasted your time." He laughed, "Its okay, good luck on your future." We hung up. 

That was easier than I thought. You know I was so set on redeeming the Hudson name in the eyes of the army. I wanted to make my father proud. But if I don't do what I want to do, I think he might be disappointed. I hope I am going to make him proud even if I didn't join the army. 

Just then my phone rang, my face lit up as Rachel's name displayed on my screen. 

Rachels POV

I settled in the hotel with my dads. It was beautiful. I figured I should call Finn and let him know I am all settled in.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number. He picked up first ring. "Hey beautiful." I blushed. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know I am settled at the hotel with my dads," I say.

"Thats good Rach, how is it?" he asked. "Its amazing!" I exclaim. He laughs that cute laugh of his. "So when will you be here," I ask. He pauses. I get worried. "I will be there tomorrow." I squeal. "Oh my god, seriously?" I continued, "I thought you said a few days, I mean not that I am complaining, but what happened?" He laughs again. Sometimes my personality is a little overwhelming, but Finn never seems to mind. "Well, I had somethings I needed to take care of, and it actually went easier than I thought, so I will be down tomorrow." He says.

Hmm I thought, what could be so difficult for him to do? So I ask, "What did you have to do that you were worried about?" He pauses again, then answers. " I will talk to you about it when I get down there tomorrow," he continues, "If you want to start looking around for places for us online, you can show me them tomorrow and we can go take a look." I smile. "Okay." I think I sounded more excited than I intended to because he laughed. " Your amazing Rachel, I will see you tomorrow okay?" I giggled. "Okay," I said. "I love you Rachel Berry." I blushed. "I love you too Finn Hudson." With that we ended our call.

I can't believe this is happening. I am in the city of opportunity following my life long dream. The man who I love with every part of my soul is coming to be here with me. We are going spend forever loving each other.

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