You're Having A....

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Rachels POV

I am already at 21 weeks. It is time for us to find out what we are having. Finn is so in love with the fact that I am now showing. I am unsure of how I feel, happy for the baby of course, but I feel so fat. My lastest craving is sour pickles. Yum, they are so good. Tomorrow is our appointment and we will get to know whether we are having a boy or girl.

Our family is coming down tomorrow, they want to be there. I bet the hospital is going to get sick of us having all the family around. But its okay. I love that they are all involved.

I am off of school today, so I decided to make myself some lunch. I am singing and dancing around the kitchen when all of a sudden I feel something in my stomach. Its not a pain. It is a light flutter, as if a butterfly was in my stomach. I know what it was, it was my baby.

I start to cry. "Aww, I love you so much my peanut." I say while rubbing my stomach. I can't wait to tell Finn. I was gonna call him, but I decided against it. I will tell him when he gets home. I continue to make my food. Waiting for another kick from my baby, but nothing.

I decided to take a nap after I was done eating. I have still been so tired. When I woke up. I hear Finn walking in the door. I get up quickly and go to him.

"Hello gorgeous." He says as he sees me walk out of the room. "Hey babe, how was your day?" I ask still so excited to tell him about the babys kick. "It was good, just busy How was your day?" He said. I had a hug smile on my face.

"It was amazing..Guess what happened today?" I said. He looked at me waiting for my answer. "I felt the baby kick." He smiled so big. "Are you serious?" I nodded.

"Wow." He said while rubbing my belly. "You know our baby can hear us now." I said with a smile. He looked at me and put his head down to my stomach. "Hi baby. Can you hear me? I'm your daddy. I get to see you tomorrow. How bout you tell us what you are. One kick for a girl. Two for a boy."

I laughed at his request. "I don't think it works that way." I said still giggling. "Well I guess we will see tomorrow." He said shrugging his shoulders. I smile. "I have a craving for some Chinese." I said to him as he walked to the kitchen.

"Do you wanna go out or order?" He asked. I was feeling pretty tired, I didn't want to go out. "Lets order." I said. He nodded and pulled out his phone to call. "You want the same as always?" I nod.

Finns POV

I can't believe Rachel got to feel the baby kick. I am so jealous. I would love to feel that. Its a very special moment. Well my time will come. Our families will be out here tomorrow. I am so happy they will be here. My mom wants to start planning a baby shower for Rachel.

I secretly want to go, but Quinn told Rachel its just suppose to be for the girls. But I don't want it like that. I want everyone to be here. Including all the Glee Club. We just aren't sure whether to have it here or Lima.

The next day

Rachel's POV

I set my alarm extra early. I know my dads and Finns parents will be here at 7. I get up around 6:30, take a shower, get dressed, and go make breakfast. I made sure we have enough for everyone.

At 7 on the dot I hear a knock at the door. I open it to see everyone. I am so happy to see them. "Oh Rachel your showing!" Carol was the first to speak .

She gave me a big hug and all the others hugged me as well. My daddy LeRoy came and rubbed my belly. he started talking to it, "hey little one, I'm your grandpa. We can't wait to meet you!" I smiled at my daddy.

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