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I do not own Glee or its characters. 

Rachels POV

My nerves are getting to me. I have the Funny Girl open call tomorrow. This part is the part of my dreams. I have worked so hard to get here. 

I keep pacing. I don't know what do sing. I thought about singing something from Funny Girl, but I don't think thats a good idea. 

I paced back and forth. The door opened and I didn't even bother to see who it was. I was too worried about my audition song to pay attention. 

"Hey" I heard Finns voice say. "Hey, sorry I'm a bit distracted. I...just..." he came up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I took in his smell. I loved this smell. He pulled away and looked at me. "Let me guess. Funny Girl auditions." I nodded. 

"Finn I can't believe this moment is happening, and I know this is a long shot, but I need to find the most perfect song to sing...and-and-and no Barbra."I stuttered out. His face wore confusion. He bend down and put both hands on each shoulder. He put his face at level with mine and began to talk. 

"You're one of the most unique talents in the world. You always shine your brightest when you do something personal, something intimately important that defines you." 

My face grew a small smile. "So just do something that takes you back to the roots of your passion. Thats what people want to see, and thats what makes the best impression." 

My smile grew bigger as I listened to his words. "Make those producers fall in love with you in that moment on the stage. And I know you have it in you." 

I sighed. "Wow." Were the only words that I managed to get out of my mouth. Then I found the words to speak again.

"Thank you, that was uh....perfect advice." He smiled. "You'll be great." 

I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around me now and we held each other close. "I love you so much." I said with my head against his. "I love you too." 

He pulled away from our embrace and gently kissed me. I smiled against his lips now deepening the kiss.  "You okay now?" I smiled and nodded. I really did feel so much better.

"Good because I have a surprise." He said. I grew curious. "Okay." He smiled really big. "I took the day off so I can be at your audition." My smile grew so big it began to hurt. 

"Are you serious?!" I said almost screaming. "Yes." He said with laughter in his voice. Thats when it began to sink in. Thats when I realized I was married to the most amazing man I have ever met. 

Tears began to fill my eyes. "Hey whats wrong?" He asked confused at my emotion change. "Nothing..." I said wiping away the tears that were now beginning to slowly run down my face. "I'm just really happy." I said now smiling.

"Me too." Was his reply before pulling me into another kiss. 

 Auditon Day

Rachels POV

Inhale, exhale. "You can do this. You're Rachel Berry. You're a star." I say to my reflection in the mirror. 

I hear a knock on the door. "Are you ready?" I nodded. "Yeah I'll be right out." I answered. I blew out one more breath and walked out of the bathroom. 

Finn was sitting on the couch holding Bella and talking to Kurt. "I'm ready." I said making them both turn to look at me. "You look beautiful." Finn said getting up and coming toward me. 

"Thank you." I said with a smile. He kissed my cheek. "Lets go." I said looking up at him. 

"Wait wait. Not without this." Kurt said coming up to me and giving me a bear hug. "Break a leg." He siad with a smile. "Thank you Kurt." I responded with a smile. 

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