Chapter Seven: Morning Coffee

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Author's Notes:
This is going to be a short chapter, but things will be picking up soon! I know that it's been a few days since I've updated, and I'm sorry, I'm hoping I can make it up to all of you in a few days! Thank you so much for voting and commenting, I appreciate it! Enjoy the story!
Rouge's POV~
A week went by.
Then two.
Then four.
I'd call him every chance I got, which didn't do justice for some of my grades, but I could always pull them back up at the last minute; high school taught me how to do that.
I'd hang out with my college friends and we'd talk about class, boys, anything really.
I always thought about him though.
I wanted to see him so badly. I wanted to wake up next to him, to give him a good morning kiss and end the day with romantic endeavors, I missed him.
I love him.
My friends and I were out for our morning coffee before class started.
"So when are we going to meet this guy that you talk so highly of?" My roommate Kelly asked.
"Oh, I don't know," I answered, "It's a long drive, I don't want him to make a trip just to see me and leave. I don't want to put him through any trouble."
"Oh, please!" she scoffed, "If he likes you then he'll visit. You should invite him over sometime."
I just nodded and took a sip of my coffee.
"Well," Kelly began, "It's almost time for class, we better get going."
"Let's go."
We grabbed our things and left. I couldn't focus any during class, I could only think of him and our night together. I wanted to see him again.
Call him.

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