Chapter Ten: Parental Guidance

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Rouge's POV
And just like that, we were far away again.
Why were we doing this to each other?Why were we doing this to ourselves? Nevertheless, I had to go about daily college life: class, friends, study.
And think about him.
The next weekend came around and I traveled back to my hometown to spend some time with my parents.
And see him.
When I walked inside, I was greeted with hugs from my mother and father.
"Oh, Rougie!" my mom exclaimed, "We missed you so much! Oh, you look like such a grown up! Where did you get those shoes?"
Before I could answer my dad interrupted. "Sweetheart, come sit down! Tell us all about college! How's your classes? Making straight A's I hope!"
"Of course, Dad." I laughed as we all took a seat on the couch.
I proceeded to tell them about college life, about how I enjoyed the freedom and friends but how I dearly missed everyone at home.
"I knew you would make friends," my mom smiled, "Have you found yourself a boyfriend?"
Uh oh.
I sat there quietly for a moment, trying to figure out the best means of communicating the topic at hand.
"What's his name?" My father asked, "You'll have to bring him here so I can meet him."
"Actually," I began, "You already know him."
My parents sat there, as if they were frozen by my words.
"Do I?"
My father's eyes began to narrow. "What's his name, Rouge?"
You're out of the house.
You're technically an adult.
You can make your own decisions.
"It's Shadow."
"What!?" My mother yelped, "He doesn't go to that college! Have you been skipping to see him!?"
"No!" I answered, "He doesn't interfere with college at all, he's very considerate!"
"I don't care!" My father growled, "My daughter will never, ever, date a delinquent! Especially a hedgehog delinquent!"
"He is not a delinquent! You're overreacting!"
He narrowed his eyes, "Rouge, I tried to be nice when you were in high school, but you know that I don't approve of anyone that is not a bat! It's... Unnatural."
I rolled my eyes.
My parents, especially my father, did not approve of me dating anyone that wasn't a bat. I couldn't bear to tell Shadow when we first started dating because I was worried that he would think bad of me...

"You know, your father seemed pretty pissed at me when I came to get you."
"That was my fault, I didn't tell him I had a date. Don't worry about it."
"I'm sorry what?"
"Bullshit, what's the real reason? Was it because I didn't tuck my shirt in?"
I laughed an uncomfortable laugh.
"He's just really overprotective."

I never really told him why.
"I'm serious, Rouge!" My father scolded as he continued his rant, "Don't let this boy ruin your future! Our family has a good reputation, don't be the the one to screw it up!"
My ears pinned back. I love my family, and I never wanted to embarrass or disappoint them.
But you love him too,
and you don't want to lose him again.
"Dad, you don't understand, I-"
"I do understand! And you will not mess up your career for him! You're too bright to let your intelligence go to waste!"
And the rest of the day, I was scolded by my parents.
So much for nice family time.

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