Chapter Six: Quality Advice

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Shadow's POV-
"So, you're telling me," Vector began, "You let her leave again? Shadow, you're a jackass. Why'd you do that?"
"She's in college, Vector. She's trying to earn a degree and make a career, I don't want her to be stressed and whatnot. She should do what she wants without me influencing her decisions."
I looked at the reptilian, "What?"
"What the fuck was that Vector?"
"Dude, she likes you! If she didn't she wouldn't come all the way back to this shithole! Rouge obviously sees something in you, I don't know what, but she does. Whether you want to or not, you're influencing decisions that you don't even know about."
"So, what do you think I should do?"
"Next time she comes back tell her some sort of sappy romantic shit, chicks dig that."
I stared at him, "That's all you got?"
"You seem to forget I spend my time smoking weed and being the best asshole I can be. So, yeah, that's all I got."
I threw my hands up in the air, "That's the shittiest advice I've ever heard!"
"Did you forget that you were talking to the shittiest person you know?"
"I knew that," I answered, "But I didn't realize your advice would be that shitty. I thought you'd come up with something better than that."
Vector laughed, "Sorry!"
I put my head in my hands, "I just don't know what to do."
He looked at me and sighed, "First off, you need to chill. She'll be coming back, and besides, you could always go and see her. You'll have your chance, and look at it this way: You don't have her parents to worry about."
I looked up, "You know what? You're not wrong."
"Nah shit, I'm not wrong! I'm right!"
Damn, he's never been right before.
"You know what we should do to celebrate?" Vector asked as a grin spread across his face.
"We should have a victory blunt!"
"A victory blunt?"
I paused, "Maybe some other time."
Vector rolled his eyes, "You freakin' asshole."

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