Chapter Sixteen: Family Outing

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Author's Notes:
Thank you all for being patient for this chapter, it's long overdue, but I wanted to make sure everything was perfect. I'd love to know what you think will happen next, and thank you all for the votes and comments. Enjoy the story!
Shadow's POV
The next Friday I tried to find something presentable to wear. I had a million things racing through my mind, but I tried to focus on the task at hand.
I only had jeans, but I had some that were a khaki color so I wore those.
Didn't I wear these to meet them the first time?
Yeah, I did. Should I change?
It won't be a big deal or anything right?
I grabbed a grey button up shirt and put it on.
Presentable, right?
I grabbed my keys and went out the door.
Wait, should I tuck my shirt in?
No time.
I locked my door on my way out and drove to the restaurant where we were supposed to meet.
We got there around the same time. Her eyes lit up when she saw me and I couldn't help but smile. Her parents didn't seem too thrilled though.
This should be fun.
She walked up to me and grabbed my hand.
Oh God, don't make them mad this early.
"Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Shadow. You both have seen him before."
I smiled and gave a nod, "It's nice to officially meet the two of you."
Her mother shook my hand but all her father did was glare at me.
We went inside the restaurant and ordered.
"So, Shadow," Rouge's mother asked, "What do you do for a living?"
"I'm a mechanic."
"Oh, that's nice. Do you still live with your parents?"
Hell, does it matter?
"No ma'am I live alone."
She nodded.
"Where do you go to college?"
"I don't go to college."
Damnit, I should've tucked my shirt in.
They interrogated me for awhile, and by the time we had finished eating they had asked me every question they could.
Once we walked out, Rouge gave me a quick hug.
"I'll talk to you later?"
"Of course, Rouge."
She smiled and then began to walk to her car. Her mother gave me a forced smile and began to walk off too, but her father stayed.
"I told you to quit seeing my daughter."
Just tell him. Let him know that you're not going anywhere.
"I can't."
He looked infuriated, "And why the hell not!?"
I narrowed my eyes.
"Because I'm in love with her, sir."
I turned around, hopped on my motorcycle, and left.
I didn't look back, but I sort of wish I would've.
I bet the look on his face was priceless.

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