Day 26

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Our food supply offers less in numbers and variety every day. Ramen noodles are the only surplus. The bread is gone. The fruit is gone. Everything will be gone soon. We will have to get more food soon, or we'll starve. I wonder how we can get more if all the stores are empty. The television broadcast said that food would be provided in big cities... is Seattle one of them? Where in the city is the food? How are we going to walk that far in this cold?

My mind is full of many what-ifs and doubts. Even if there are supplies in the city, we have no real way of finding the exact location and traveling there. There are several places for groceries on Mercer Island we can check, but even those will be difficult to get to through the snow and cold, let alone get back with groceries. My car is safe inside the garage, unlike the many that are buried in the streets, but the garage door is barricaded in snow and ice. It would be impossible to drive through all the snow on the roads, anyway. If we do have to attempt a food run, it will have to be on foot, unfortunately. The temperature and wind biting at our skin and lungs the entire time, this will be a risky and uncomfortable trip.

I worry next whether there will be anything left to take from the stores. With the amount of riots, panic, and robberies that happened in June, I would not be surprised if every store is now empty. Even if we can handle the trek, we might still starve. I try not to think about it, but realize that I must. If I don't think about these things, we will die. And besides, there is not much else to do besides think and over-think. I am surprised that no one has lost their minds in the library yet. Sometimes I worry that I could go crazy in here... In 2020, boredom and hunger are not things we are used to. Technology and meals were the rulers of our lives and now they barely even exist.

I am so tired. Tired of the boredom,the hunger, the sickness, and the cold. I am tired of thinking so much. Energyseems to be going out of style now. We all sleep and talk less as the days goon. We all do and eat less, too. Energy, will power, and motivation areweakening just like the electricity. The world has lost all power sources,including the bodies that inhabit it.    

A/N- Hope you liked this chapter! Thanks as always for reading! I love you all! Go ahead and click that vote button if you love me back :)

Til next time, Bookworms.

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