Chapter 2

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I lay outside in the soft grass under a willow tree. The branches of the willow moved like a hula dancer over me; slow and elegant. I watched it move with the cool breeze that blew like a tide going rough and calm, quick and slow, out and in. It was like the world was breathing. I just laid there on my back with my head cupped in my hands. I gazed at the clouds as they gently moved through the sky. There was a peacefulness about this place.

I was completely still, breathing with the earth around me. I was one with the world and one with the universe, allowing myself to take the time to just exist. The sudden thought that someone was watching me entered my mind and I became more alert. I sat up to find that I was not alone.

A boy, with bright blue hair like the ocean and hazel eyes that turned green or blue depending on the light, was standing in front of me. He didn't glare at me angrily like I wronged him and he didn't stare at me in wonder as to what I was doing. He did not judge me and he expected nothing from me. He just looked at me and smiled. It was the kind of smile that you would see on a parent's face when their child got a good grade or the type you would see at a job well done. It was one that everyone wanted to see at least once on someone's face and know that they are the one that put it there.

He held his hand out to me, wanting me to take it and go with him somewhere. Without a single word spoken between the two of us, I grasped his hand and he pulled me up. He led me away from the willow tree and towards a river flowing down to a lake a few miles to our left. To our right I could see mountains tower high above us and block off the world beyond the horizon. Hand in hand, we traveled through the trees and to the river.

We stopped before crossing a bridge and the boy turned around. He stood directly in front of me and held both of my hands in his. I felt the warmth of his palms and the softness of his fingers envelop my small overworked hands. He gave me that comforting smile again and leaned in close to me. He whispered something into my ear.

"Close your eyes," Ethan whispered. I did as instructed. I waited a moment for further direction. I felt Ethan's warm breath on my skin as he said softly in my ear, "and fly with me."

I kicked off the ground lightly and felt my body go upwards into the warm air that was above the cold. I didn't open my eyes until Ethan had slowed down and stopped. I looked at him and he looked at me. Together we looked at the world below us and saw a paradise.

We were hovering over the river which flowed to a virgin lake. Trees covered the area and were spread over miles of plains land. I looked and saw the willow tree that we were just underneath not too far from the river. The mountains divided the land and I could see, beyond the horizon, the dark, dead ashes of pain and destruction. I was afraid of the dark storm clouds that engulfed the area yet I was drawn to it. There was a strong force in my head telling me to go to it, but my heart yelled caution.

The storm cloud roared like a wild beast starving while hunting for weak prey. Flashes of lightning could be seen from inside and lit up the cloud for an instant. I hadn't noticed how close I had gotten to it until I was stopped. I turned around and saw Ethan's hand tightly grip my wrist so I couldn't go any farther. I looked at him and the look on his face was gone and replaced with worry and immense fear. His body was shaking and he couldn't even look up at the darkness.

It was as if he knew what it did and the power it had to destroy and hurt. He faced me opposite the cloud, towards him. He slowly guided me away to the safety of the ground, under the willow tree where we started. Once both our feet were firmly on the ground, Ethan pulled me into an embrace. I hesitated, but hugged back.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Promise me you won't go there." Ethan required of me, "Promise me."

I could hear his voice crack with fear. His body continued shaking but not as much now that we were farther away. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to know what it was but after seeing the color from Ethan's face drain away the closer I got, the more afraid of it I felt. I had to say something to him, but I had to choose between danger for knowledge or safety with ignorance.

"I promise I won't go over there. I promise."

(A/N: Hey guys! Just to give you some more information, this is a dream that Ceci has and will be important later on in the book. I didn't want you guys to be confused so I decided to clarify. If there is anything that you are baffled by, please tell me and ask me your question in the comments and I will answer it so you can better understand the story. I know it is only the beginning but I am going to put that out there just in case. Anyways, I hope you liked it. If you enjoyed this chapter and want to see more, please leave a comment down below. Don't forget, Keep reading, Keep writing, Keep being Awesome! Love you all, Bye!)

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