Chapter 8

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The next morning when I woke up, all the muscles in my body were stiff and I couldn't move. I opened my eyes slowly but tiredness overpowered my will to look around. I instead tried to sense where my body was. I was lying on my back with one arm off the bed and the other across my stomach. My left leg was under my right leg and my head was up towards the ceiling.

It took me a while but I got my eyes to open and my head to start moving so I could look around. I looked to my right and saw the bed was empty. Ethan must have already woken up and started recording videos or something. I rolled out of bed and hit the ground with a thump. I heard Tyler shout from the other room.

"Celeste! Are you okay!?"

"I'm fine," I groaned, "I am just trying to wake up. It's harder to wake up this morning. I will be out in a bit!"

I got up and untangled my legs from the blanket. I reluctantly stood up and stretched. I looked around the room and found my backpack. I took out my phone from the side pocket and turned it on so I could see the time. It was 9:19 in the morning. I looked at the corner of the screen and saw that it was at 7%. I sighed and took out the charger. I found and outlet somewhere in the room and left my phone their charging.

I got out my toothbrush, paste and hairbrush from my bag and left the room. I waddled into the kitchen and saw Ethan eating breakfast while Tyler sat at the table looking intensely at whatever was on his screen. Ethan's face lit up when he looked at me. He quickly swallowed the mouthful of cereal he had been chewing.

"Hey Celeste! How did you sleep?"

"I slept well thank you. I was wondering where your bathroom was so I could brush my teeth and do my hair. I am so sorry I am a mess right now."

"You look beautiful though," Ethan complimented.

I smiled weakly, "Thanks. If you truly think that then you will think I am gorgeous when I am actually ready and don't look like I was hit in the face with a shovel."

There was a moment of silence.

"So... the bathroom?" I asked.

"Oh right! Once you exit our room, immediately turn right and it is right there."

"Thanks. I will be right back." I smiled at the thought of Ethan saying "our room" and left to get ready. As I was brushing my teeth, I could hear arguing from the kitchen. I know it is bad to eavesdrop but I heard my name and couldn't help but listen.

"Tyler, we can't leave Celeste here. She has to come with us."

"Mark doesn't want to see her at all and frankly, she might not want to see him."

"She sees Mark as her dad-"

"And he wasn't much of a dad yesterday now was he? She knows he isn't her dad. After what he did, I'm sure she doesn't want anything to do with him."

"Sure she knows he isn't her dad but he is the closest thing to it. We can't leave her here."

"Why not? She is a big girl who can take care of herself. I think she can be alone... or do you not trust her to be alone here?"

"It's not that I don't trust her it's just-"

"Just what?"

"I talked to her last night. The last thing she would want is to be alone here."

"She has been alone her whole life. I just don't want her around all that hate."

"Tyler, we can't leave her! You're starting to sound like Mark!"

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