Chapter 5

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I woke up to my mom banging violently on my door. I lazily got out of bed and crawled to my closet. I got out a pair of dark blue jeans and a gray school shirt and changed there on the floor. I put on my pair of black high tops and stood up. I went to get my phone from off the desk but I couldn't find it. I looked around on the floor to see if it fell but it wasn't there. I noticed my laptop was gone too.

I started to panic. I looked high and low for my electronics but I couldn't find them. I was wide awake at this point. I ran out of my room and burst onto the bathroom.

"Calm down, it's okay. I probably left it downstairs. But why would I do that? I remember it being on my desk- Oh no, I forgot to lock my door didn't I? Mom..."

My mind raced with thoughts and worries about where my mom hid my computer and phone the whole time I was getting ready. I couldn't think about anything else. Once I was done I left the bathroom and walked cautiously into my mom's bedroom.

I saw my mom sitting on her bed facing the wall so she couldn't see me. In my mom's hand I saw a needle being poked into her forearm. She injected this strange liquid into her arm. She took a deep breath and relaxed her body.

My mouth fell wide open at the sight. My mom doesn't take medication like that. I am the one that usually goes to the pharmacist to get everything we need. I have never seen a prescription drug like that.

I decided not to stay any longer. I turned to leave the room but I glanced at a laptop on the head of the bed. I froze, it was my laptop. My phone was also placed next to it on the bed. I looked at my mom who was still enjoying the feeling of whatever the injection did to her. I tiptoed to the bed, making sure she didn't notice me. I grabbed my laptop and slowly backed out of the room.

I got to the door but the ground creaked underneath me. My mom's head shot backwards and she saw me with the laptop in my arms. She dropped the needle and got up. Her face was filled with rage and her eyes were cold. I decided that breakfast would understand if I didn't eat so I hauled ass down the stairs and out of the house.

I had all my school stuff and I hopped on my bike to get away. I peddled as fast as I could down the street with my mom yelling at me the whole way. I turned back around to get a glimpse of my mom. She was on her knees crying into her hands. I slowed down and stopped. My heart ached despite the shit she gave me. She was still my mom and I had no idea what she dealt with every day.

I started to walk back to my mom. As I got closer I saw that she wasn't crying, she was laughing. I saw something poking out of her back pocket. I saw the handle of a gun. I immediately went back the way I was headed towards the school.

"Celeste... Celeste!... CELESTE! COME BACK!"

BANG is all I heard behind me as I peddled as fast as I could away from the house. One shot, two shots, three- POP! My back tire blew up and I fell on the ground. I wasted no time to get back up and sprint to school. The adrenaline and fear that was controlling me kept me from stopping. I would be late but I'm sure the school would understand.


Once I arrived at school I was 30 minutes late for my first class. I was told to go to OCI for the rest of first period because I didn't have a note to excuse my tardiness. I walked in and saw Mr. Hunter at his desk and about six other students. I sit down in my desk and start on my homework. Mr. Hunter doesn't even ask why I was there.

Hunter and I have an understanding with each other. If I get in trouble, he lets me off easy because he knows I am not a real trouble maker. He is one of the few people that knows me for the real me.

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