Chapter 4

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I was alone, back in the paradise that brought me peace of mind. I hung my head under the willow tree that swayed calmly in the cool breeze. I could feel tears stream down my cheeks but I didn't know why I was crying. All I knew was my heart was the heaviest it had ever been and the weight was pulling me down to the ground.

I looked up at the dark storm clouds that festered beyond the horizon. I moved my hand up to reach for whoever was over there. I never saw it, but I could feel the confusion of poor souls suffering in the darkness. They couldn't breathe, and they couldn't speak. No cry for help was called but I knew I had to help them.

I got up and kicked my feet off the ground and sped to the dark clouds that had consumed all the precious life that it touched. The higher I got, the heavier my chest felt. I had to keep going, I couldn't give up. I got to the mountain top and peered over the edge to the land below. I could see nothing, for the darkness was too thick.

I dived, head first into the storm, which was my first big mistake. I tumbled down the mountain, unable to stop myself and subject to many sharp or rough edges on my way down. I finally stopped but the dark storm cloud covered everything, blurring my vision until I could hardly see a hand in front of my face. The wind was wild and I couldn't even hear my own thoughts.

I stood up in pain and kicked my feet off the ground. I went up a few feet but came crashing down. I couldn't fly in the darkness of the air and the fierceness of the wind. I walked around and tried to find the mountain. I needed to get back, but I could hear the wails and screams of torture louder now.

I continued to follow the sounds I heard, but I could never find anyone. I would hear a scream and as soon as I thought I found them, it would stop and I was alone again. I would hear someone else and try to find them but it would be too late, I could never help them in time.

With every scream, my heart hurt more. With every step, my legs grew weaker. With every disappearance, I became more confused. I was lost and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't think about anything until I heard my name.

The voice that I heard was deep and gravelly. It called my name and filled my head. I soon became very afraid and I looked for a way of escape. The wind became stronger and fiercer every time it called.

"Celeste... Celeste... Celeste..." is all I heard. I tried to run away but all I could do is let the voice consume me. It felt like someone had increased the gravity and pulled me down closer to the dead earth. I screamed for help but I couldn't even hear myself over the wind.

All of a sudden, I felt like my body was slowly being crushed and I couldn't breathe. I tried to call for help but my lungs wouldn't let me. I wanted it all to go away. I didn't want to feel pain, I wanted to go back but all I could think was "I deserve it."

My head was filled with thoughts of I'm not strong enough, I can't take it, I am nothing, I am lost and no one is coming to help me. I thought that that was the end for me. In my last moment I thought of nothing but saying goodbye. Then, I saw Ethan.

The world had stopped and I saw Ethan. He was as bright as the sun and lit up the dark. I could hardly keep the tears back. I reached up to him and he took my hand. I didn't feel alone or scared anymore. I didn't feel sad or worthless anymore. He saved me. He pulled me in and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He took me away from the darkness and brought me back to the calmness of the light.

He carried me back to the ground and laid me down in the meadow under the willow tree. I looked up at him and he was worried and confused.

"Why did you go there?" he asked.

"I heard screaming. I wanted to help," I tried to explain.

"I told you not to go there. You promised you wouldn't. So why?"

"I had to help. It hurt me to do nothing-"

"And it hurt you more to do something. Don't go there. That's an order."

"I'm sorry for leaving."

Ethan looked at me compassionately, "I'm just glad you are okay," he said forgivingly.

(A/N: Oh my goodness guys, okay. I have a few chapters written of this book that have not been published yet because I want to stay ahead in case I get writers block. The problem is, I hate having things out of order and in this book, I have things out of order. I am freaking out and all that. Please don't hate me that it is out of order because I am already giving myself a hard time. I am having a hard time but I don't want to rewrite everything just to put it in a different fricking order. Ugh... my head hurts.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. If you did, please leave a comment down below. Don't forget, keep reading, keep writing, keep being awesome. Love you all, Bye!)

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