Chapter 10

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I was a little uncomfortable when I found myself waking up on the living room couch. I tried to blindly throw the blankets off of me but they were stuck on something. I opened my eyes and saw an arm around my waist. All I could tell was it wasn't mine. I looked at where I was and felt calm breathing behind me. I couldn't turn around but did my best to look at a sleeping Ethan behind me. I smiled and chuckled a little bit.

Suddenly, my face became hot and my heart started to beat faster. I quickly tried to untangle myself so Tyler wouldn't see the both of us like this. It was difficult to get off of Ethan without waking him up but I managed to escape his sleeping embrace. I stood up and straightened myself out. I heard a cough from the kitchen.

Tyler was standing in the kitchen with a coffee mug in one hand and his phone in the other. He was smiling to himself and trying to pretend like he didn't see me. He glanced at me quickly before looking back down at his phone.

"What's so funny?" I asked embarrassed.

"Nothing," Tyler commented, "Did you two sleep well?"

"I slept fine, thank you."

Tyler laughed, "So you guys were watching Harry Potter?"

"Yeah, I'm a huge fan. I'm a Hufflepuff," I noted.

"Did you know that Ethan is a Slytherin?" Tyler commented.

"No, I didn't. I always thought he was a Gryffindor."

"Yeah, he's a Slytherin... Did he Slytherin your Gryffindor?" Tyler joked.

"No! You're nasty Tyler!" I yelled.

"I'm sure he made you moan like Myrtle."

"Stop yourself!" I yelled as I went to the bedroom to change my clothes.

"Ethan can teach you to speak troll!" Tyler shouted.

"What?" I asked confused.

"He will get you grunting in no time."

"Oh my... stop with the innuendos. I don't need you ruining my favorite childhood movies." I commanded Tyler.

I left the living room and closed the door to the bedroom. I couldn't even take off my shirt without Tyler screaming, "He may be a muggle, but the things he can do in bed are magical!"

"How exactly do you know that Tyler!?" I refuted.

Tyler was silent after that and allowed me to change in peace. I had slept in Ethan's clothes that I wore yesterday. I put Ethan's clothes in the dirty hamper and looked through his closet. I took out a white shirt with blue sleeves. I put it on and found some blue skinny jeans. I put on a belt and wore some colorful socks that he had. I left the room and went into the bathroom.

I brushed my hair into a single braid and brushed my teeth. I left the bathroom and entered the kitchen. I made myself a bowl of cereal and sat down next to Tyler at the dining room table. I ate my cereal in silence and checked my phone. It was 5:16 in the morning.

"Tyler, why are you awake so early?" I asked.

"Why are you awake?" Tyler shot back.

"Good point," I agreed, "When does Ethan wake up?"

"He should be getting up at 6 but he usually wakes up at 7:30," Tyler mentioned.

I looked over at Ethan who was still fast asleep on the couch. I looked down at my breakfast and finished eating. I got up and put my bowl in the sink. I was about to go wake up Ethan when Tyler called me.

Escape (A Crankgameplays / Markiplier Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now