Chapter 9

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"Wise men say

Only fools rush in

But I can't help

Falling in love with you

Shall I stay

Would it be a sin

If I can't help

Falling in love wi-"

I sang in my boredom before I heard a door open to the film room. I looked up and saw Amy walk in. Ethan and Tyler walked in behind her. I sat up and smiled at all of them. Mark and Kathrine walked in and immediately my smile faded. Amy kneeled down next to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, sorry it took a long time. I hope you weren't too bored?" Amy asked.

"I was sure you would be drawing swastikas and pentagrams on the walls with your blood by now." Mark laughed at his comment. Everyone stared at him. He just shrugged.

"No, it was okay. I get it. You guys have this gigantic project you are doing and it takes a lot of time and planning. Besides, I had a lot of time to think and I want to start my own YouTube channel!"

Amy's smile grew; Ethan, Tyler and Kathrine smiled with her but Mark's frown turned into a huff and an eye roll. I tried to smile and ignore Mark.

"That's great! I would love to help you with that if you let me?" Amy proposed.

"Yeah! All of you can help! This is going to be awesome!" I squeaked.

"We can talk more about it over dinner. How does that sound?"

"So, we are all having dinner together?" I questioned.

"Celeste, Amy and Mark invited you me and Kathrine to have dinner with them at their house. We wanted to ask you first. Remember, we are involving you in all the decisions now." Ethan said.

I looked around the room at everyone individually. My eyes stopped wandering as soon as I looked at Tyler.

"Wait, Tyler is not invited?" I asked.

"I have some night classes that I am going to. I am working to be a nurse so I can't do anything tonight. I will be free tomorrow night though." Tyler expounded.

"What nights do you have night classes?" I wondered.

"Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I am free all weekend so we can hang out then, okay?" Tyler asked.

"Okay, do good in your classes!"

"Thanks Celeste." Tyler thanked.

"We will be riding with Kathrine in her car. Come on, let's get your things." Ethan said.

I followed Ethan and Kathrine out of the room. I grabbed my things and went outside. I said goodbye to Tyler and gave him a hug. I hopped in the back of Kathrine's car and Ethan got in the passenger seat while Kathrine drove. We followed Mark and Amy home.

"Hey, do you guys want to listen to some music?" Kathrine asked.

"Sure, why not?" Ethan said.

Kathrine turned on the radio and "Kelly Clarkson-Because of You" came on. We were already halfway through the song, but it hit me hard despite that.

My heart can't possibly break

When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you I never stray too far

Escape (A Crankgameplays / Markiplier Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now