Chapter 11

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I cringed at the brightness of the sun on the white walls. Once my eyes had adjusted to the light, I lifted my head the slightest bit and felt a sharp pain go through my spine. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. I gained a throbbing headache and tears flowed down my eyes. After about 5 minutes the pain subsided.

I looked around without moving my head and found a curtain separating the room. There was a monitor next to me showing my heart rate. It was a simple room but at the foot of the bed there were balloons and small gift baskets and stuffed animals holding hearts and sweets piled on the table. I looked down at my body and saw a bunch of needles in my right arm giving me pain medication. I didn't notice it at first but there was an oxygen mask over my mouth helping me breathe.

In the middle of my observation, a woman opened the door and addressed me.

"Hello Sweetie, my name is Nurse Hansen. Can you do something for me? Can you try to lift your left forearm?"

I looked down at my left arm and lifted it off of the bed like the lady told me to. My eyes widened as I realized that a whole world of communication was open to me. I waved at the nurse. Nurse Hansen laughed and looked back at her clipboard. She scribbled a few things before turning the page.

"That's amazing. You're doing a great job Sweetie. Now, for communicating, do you know how to spell your name in sign language or do you want to write it down? Lift one finger for sign language and two for writing."

I lifted two fingers and she gave me her pen and clipboard. I did my best to see what I was writing. I couldn't see it too well so I did my best to lift my legs so they would make a triangle with the bed. I moved the clipboard and rested it on my thighs. I raised my arm and began writing as best as I could with my non-dominant hand.

"name: celeste," I hesitated on my last name, "scheid."

My hand writing was the quality of a four year old but luckily it was still legible. The nurse read what I wrote allowed as I wrote it.

"Name: Celeste Scheid. Age: 16. What is my current condition? Where is my family?" She read.

"Your big brother, Tyler, and his friend Ethan are outside waiting to see you. I told them that I needed to talk to you before they could enter. We don't want random strangers claiming to be someone's family if they aren't. Your current condition is severe. We were informed that one of Tyler's friends, Mark, had strangled you. You blacked out and they brought you here. Your voice box and wind pipe is damaged due to the immense pressure applied. You won't be able to speak for a while and you do have trouble breathing."

I wrote on the clipboard, "Can I see Tyler and Ethan?"

Nurse Hansen left the room and brought in Tyler and Ethan. The nurse led them to the foot of my bed and asked me, "Do you know these two?" I raised my hand and gave a thumbs-up. Tyler turned and started asking the nurse a bunch of questions while Ethan just stared at me. Ethan had a look of devastation on his face and I could see the tears form. I beckoned Ethan to come closer.

Ethan walked up to my bed slowly and sat on my right side. He just looked at me sadly. He took my hand and held it gently. Almost as if it was magic, I could feel what he felt. I could feel the overwhelming guilt and self-hate he had towards himself. I could feel the sadness in seeing me like I was and I could feel the confusion towards Mark he had.

As Ethan cried so did I. I raised my left hand and held his face. I looked him in the eyes and tried my best to show him that it was going to be okay. I picked up the clipboard pen and wrote, "Where's Mark?"

Once I wrote, 'Where's Mark?' Nurse Hansen left the room. Tyler walked over to me and sat on the left side of the bed. He glanced at what I wrote and gave me a baffled look. Ethan seemed furious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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