Chapter 1.

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I never thought I would ACTUALLY meet my favorite WWE Team; The Shield. I spend every night I could wishing to meet them at 11:11. You could call it wishful thinking. But something weird happened when I made the wish once. Here's my story.

It was the middle of the night and I glanced at the clock; 11:10pm. I groaned in frustration and glared at the clock for about 15 seconds, then it was 11:11. I smiled at myself and closed my eyes. "I wish to meet the Shield and they all become my best friends and they all love me because I'm awesome." I mumbled under my breath. Okay, I'm 23 and I want to meet 3 WWE Superstars, I can dream, can't I? It IS a free country, afterall. ANYWAY.. I made the wish and being the weirdo person that I am, I ran up to my window like a 5 year old when he thinks he hears Santa's sleigh bells. I was really tired but I couldn've SWORN I saw a huge black van drive into my driveway. My parents were out on a date night (late right? and yes i still live with my parents shut up). And I KNOW my parents don't own a huge black van. When I saw who got out, I ALMOST SCREAMED MY HEAD OFF. SETH ROLLINS got out of the van. "Oh.....CRAP. Seth freakin' Rollins is walking up my" I had my hand on my forhead trying to think of something to do. Nope, couldn't think of anything. CRUD. I ran into the living room and ran up to the front door. I could hear him walking up the steps. My heart RACED. He stopped at the door.  I looked throught the peep-hole and he was looking at the van, probably hesitating to knock. He's a wrestler, why doesn't he just KICK the door down? Lord. I sighed JUST as he knocked. I didn't turn the nob until like after 30 seconds to make it seem like I wasn't standing at the door. ....Which I actually was. I turned the nub and smiled at Seth, trying to hide the scream that wanted to escape.

"Hi. I'm Seth, and my two buddies are in the car, over there." Seth said. God, he was so adorable when he's shy! He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled.

"Well, hello Seth. I'm Emily. Aaand it is SNOWING so you and your two boys can come inside." I replied, memorized by his smile and his laugh. Seth smiled once again and motioned for his guys to come out and inside. When Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns climbed out, I noticed that Dean and Roman smirked at eachother. How i LOVE their smirks, like freakin holy crap. I smiled at them and Dean waved.

I turned and walked into the living room, letting Seth, Dean and Roman inside. When I was turned around, I let out a silent scream, then smiled it off.

"Thank's for helping us. We REALLY don't know what we would do if you hadn't let us in." Dean said.

"Yeah, thank you." Roman smiled.

I smiled in reply. "You're welcome, and you're welcome." I said guestering to both of them. "So. What brings you guys here?"

"Um....we're lost." Seth said.

I raised my eyebrows. "How do you not know where Wrestle Mania is?" I couldn't stop myself before I realised it was too late. I held my breath and closed my eyes. In my head, I facepamled myself.

" you KNOW who we are?" Roman questioned.

".....Yes?" I replied quietly. "Don't hit me. Or Spear me. Or throw me over the couch."

Roman chuckled, making me relax a little. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hit you. It's fine, it's nothing really."

"You serious? 'Nothing, really'? Dude, you're Roman flippin Reigns!!"

"I guess I don't have to indroduce myself then." He smirked at his own little comment which made me chuckle.

"I might." Dean raised his hand like a kid in Math Class-not very high. He smiled though, which was cute.

I chuckled, and shoved my hands in my pockets. "No, you don't. Ambrose."

He winked at me, making me blush.

"WELL you already knew my name was Seth, clearly, but what's my last name?" He raised an eyebrow, Rock style, and I laughed, making him smile.

"Rollins. Duh. Who doesn't know their own last name?" I said walking into the kitchen, leaving the three boys laughing. Roman followed me. "Whatcha doin'?" He asked in a sweet calming voice. I smiled at him. "I figured you guys would want something to drink." I reached up and got a box of Hot Chocolate and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Seth hit Dean in the arm and whisper something to him and point to Roman, then himself, then to Dean. I laughed under my breath as Roman hopped up and sat on the counter beside me. "Hi Reigns." I said as I got cups out. "Hi....." He trailed off, not knowing my name. "Emily." I smiled. "Hi Emily." Roman is just SO cute and actually seems like he'd be a lover. Well, you know, when he's not screaming in people faces in the ring to get up just so he can spear them in the end.

Later on, when Seth and Dean were done tossing eachother over the couch, they came in the kitchen to get their drinks. When we all sat down, they asked about what I was like.

"Well...I like wrestiling if you havn't realised that yet. I'm MORE THAN MAD you guys arn't going to Wrestle Mania because of your so called 'forfit.' Um...I like screamo, soft music, ice hockey, basball, and dragons and wolves." I nodded as all three stared at me in shock. "What? You guys asked." Dean looked at Seth and tried to say something but they both bursted out laughing. I looked at Roman and he just replied, "they do this ALL the time, give 'em a minute. Then wait 5 more minutes before they actually calm down." He smiled and I laughed and his smart comment. AGAIN.

When they calmed down, we sat in the living room just talking. Suddenly my phone rang. I got up to answer it. "Hold on a sec guys. Hello? Yes, this is Emily Dawn. What?" I slammed my phone shut after a few seconds then ran down the hall to my room. The boys followed me, and slowly walked in my room to find me sitting on the egde of my bed with my face burried in my hands and I was crying harder than I ever had. They sat down on the floor. Seth sat beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Em...are you okay?" I shook my head as I coughed into my hands. "Hey...Emily look at me. Emily....look at me." Roman said as he set on hand on my knee. Dean had already gotton up and sat on the other side of me on my bed. I whipped my eyes and looked at Roman. When he saw me, he smiled. "What's wrong?" I sniffed, and took a deep breath. "My parents....they're dead. They got in a car crash. The snow was hitting harder and-....they hit a railing and flew off the side of the road. I can't believe my parents are GONE."

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