Chapter 3.

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I froze. " want...SERIOUSLY?!" I was jumping with joy. They were all laughing at my excitment.

"No, we can't do it. We can't just take you from your home." Dean sighed. I almost started crying.

"What?? I don't HAVE a home anymore. I am an ONLY child and my parents where found DEAD from a CAR ACCENDENT less then 3 hours ago." For some reason, a small chuckle escaped my lips. Roman busted out laughing, followed by the other two. "Why are you laughing?" I questioned. "Guys." I said, more sternly. "Em, we're kidding!!" Dean shouted while laughing. At the same time, they all shouted, "YOU'RE GOING TO WRESTLE MANIA WITH THE SHIELD!!" Roman had his arms out, so I jumped in them, hugging him as tight as I could. "I FREAKIN LOVE YOU GUYS!!" Dean laughed. "We love you too, you're awesome!" I just remembered. My wish!! "I wish the Shield would love me and think I'm awesome!" I whispered under my breath. "We have to leave in the afternoon tomorrow." Dean commented.

"Okay. Um...I am NOT letting you sleep in a car. Even if it's a van." I said after Roman put me down. Seth began to protest but I cut him off before he could even say anything. "NOPE, you guys are sleeping in the HOUSE, not a car." Dean raised his hand, but I glared at him, and he put his hand down. Roman chuckled and crossed his arms. "Okay, so where are we sleeping?" He questioned, smiling. I smirked. "Seth, you can sleep in my room, Dean you can sleep in the bonus room, which you'll like so don't worry. And Roman you can sleep in my parents room." I told him. "Where are YOU sleeping?" Roman asked. "The couch. I'll be fine, relax." I replied. "I'm not letting you sleep on the couch." He protested. "I wasn't asking for your permition, Mr. Reigns." Dean and Seth snickered.

I led the boys to their rooms, and set up my base (blankets, a pillow and my favorite suffted animal that my ex-boyfriend gave to me) on the couch. As soon as I was about to lay down and get ready to pass out, I felt someone hug me from behind. I set my hands on his arms and tilted my head back so my head was on the persons chest. "Thank you.." I heard Roman's soft voice and I smiled. "You're welcome, Reigns." He chuckled. "Still using that nickname?" "Yes. If you makes you feel better, I'll start calling Seth 'Sethie.' Dean can stick with Ambrose." We both laughed. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest and sighed. "Comfortable?" He voice sounded deeper, but I could tell he was smiling. He wrapped his hands around my waist and rested his chin on my head. We just stood there, and I could fallen asleep in his arms. He seems mean, they all do, Seth, Dean and Roman, but all three are actually just huge teddy-bears when they're not wrestling. His steady breathing and heartbeat almost made me actually fall asleep when suddenly we were pushed over onto the couch. We both let out a shout as we fell, but Roman being fast on his feet, turned so when we fell, I fell ontop of him. We stared into eachothers eyes, then I chuckled and he did the same. I rolled over and I fell on the floor. I looked up to see Roman on his side looking down at me smiling. I smiled back and he laughed. Looking up, I heard Dean laughing his butt off. He was clapping his hands and bent over. I looked up at Roman, smirked, and got up quietly to Dean. I stood infront of him waiting for him to stand up straight and stop laughing. When we caught his breath, and stood up, I intented to punch him in the stomach but he grabbed my arm and pulled me down along with him onto a couch behind us. I yelled and Dean and Roman were laughing as Seth came out with a toothbrush in his mouth. When he saw Dean and I wrestling on the couch, he chuckled. Dean had his arms wrapped around my waist and I was on his lap. I was trying to get free, but I was failing. Terribly. By now, I was laughing too, but only because Dean was tickling me on my sides and casually tasering me here and there. I was leaning foward, and Dean suddenly had the idea to..LET ME GO. I was soon on the floor with my hands over my face because I was laughing so hard.

Seth helped me up. Roman was on his back laughing HIS butt off and Dean couldn't even breathe HE was laughing so hard. "Guys....." I chuckled. "What?" Roman said, with one arm over his eyes and one over his stomach. He was still chuckling, like everyone else was. "I'm so tired." I breathed. Roman laughed again. "That's my fault. I interupted you." I snickered and sat up. "Naaah." Dean and Seth laughed and walked out of the room. "Night, crazy kids." Seth commented before traveling back down the hall with Dean behind him. I looked at Roman, smiled and stood up. Roman remained laying on the couch. "Dude. I gotta get to sleep. You have your own bed." When he sat up and groaned like a 12 year old who had to go to school, I grabbed the pillow that was under his head and hit him softly in the shoulder with it. He held him arm and screamed. It supprised me, so I jumped back, but then smiled and laughed. "What was THAT for??" I placed my hand over my heart. "Did I scare you?" He asked, not really sounding like he cared, but sounded like he was joking at the same time. "YES!" I shouted. Roman started doing the thing Daniel Bryna does when he chants "yes", pointing his fingers and doing fist bumps in the air. I chuckled and hit him again. "Ro, get uuuuuuhhhpah." I whined wihile hitting him a couple more times, laughing. He just sat there with his arms crossed and his eyes closed and he was smiling, pleased with himself. I was tired so I just layed down with my head on Roman's lap, pulled the blankets over me and got settled. "Tired?" Roman asked, uncrossing his arms, drapping one over my waist and used his other hand to stroke my hair. "Did you call me 'Ro'?" He chuckled. "Yes, and yes." I smiled as I looked up at him. I layed on my back and moved my head to the side and started playing with his jeans. I heard him chuckle and he set his hand on mine. It was wierd, it was like I couldn't help but get all tingally. I just smiled and started to play with his fingers. With my fingers intertwined with his, he held my hand. Neither of us pulled back. I heard him sigh and turned my head to see him lay his head back and close his eyes. I smiled and turned my head again and eventually fell asleep.

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