Chapter 12.

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"AND THE WINNER OF THIS MATCH, EMILY.. JOHNSON!!!" I had my arm raised and I was smiling. Was it just me, or was this actually easy? I ran in circles around the ring with my arms out. I stopped when I heard Shield's music. I groaned softly under my breath. Not that I don't love these guys, I DO. But I told them how much it annoys me when someone interrupts someone else's match.

The hounds climbed in the ring, each member with a smile on their face. I smiled and hugged Seth and Dean. "Congratulations, Emily! We're proud of you." Roman smiled and looked at the fans as they cheered, agreeing with him. "I think we can all agree that you've come really far." He winked and then walked over to me to give me a hug. We left the ring together to head backstage and were greeted by the COO.

"I liked your match! You're doing a great job. We need you for a short backstage clip. "Okay." I left the boys with Hunter. "You have a short segment with Summer Rae. That alright?" He asked as we approached her room. I nodded. "Yeah. Sure."

"I just wanted to say congrats on your victory over Natalia." Summer said, lying through her teeth. And YES I noticed. I always notice these things.

"Thank you Summer, I appreciate it." I lied through MY teeth. She smiled anyway.

 "Emily." I heard a voice from behind me. Kane. Summer glared at him before walking away. I turned and smiled at Kane. "Nice job." He smirked down at me. "Thank you." I replied, smirking back.

"Okay, weird." I said to myself as I walked towards my room. "What?" Kane said, catching up to me. "Oh, nothing." I laughed, as I watched his expression. "Please don't turn into Daniel Bryan. One petting-zoo animal is enough." We both laughed. "You're so mean." I joked. He chuckled and nudged my shoulder. He followed me to my room, knowing that I didn't mind. He sat on the bench and groaned loudly. "Tired?" I asked, sitting beside him. "Very." He answered. "So. What's up with Miz and Roman?"

After I told him what happened, he just stared blankly at me. "You do look like Miz and little." He smiled. I groaned. "Everyone says that!" He laughed and patted my knee. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. He playfully pushed me over onto the bench. He reached out his hand after standing up. "Help me train." He begged. "Alright." I grabbed his hand, and he pulled me up, slinging me over his shoulder in the process. "Ugh, JACOBS!!" I yelled and laughed at the same time. "Using my last name won't do anything, beautiful." He chuckled. I groaned playfully. After a few minutes of walking, I lifted my head up to see the stage. "Why are we at the ring?" I asked, being set down on the baraquade. "Uh, we work here?" He replied, making it obvious. "Well DUH." I rolled my eye and he chuckled. "I need to train and I needed a partner."

"So... you kidnapped me?"

"Mmhmm. Why? Problem?" He raised his eyebrows. I knew he was joking, anyway.

"Nope. Just... someone might look for me and think I was kidnapped."

"You WERE. By ME."

"Nooo. I mean like by a REAL kidnapper."

"How is a DEMON not a kidnapper??" He asked.

I laughed. "I dunno. You're too sweet to be a kidnapper, let alone a demon."

"Have you SEEN what I do to Daniel?"

"Well... YES but.. Never mind." I looked down and crossed my arms.

Kane chuckled. "You should keep your head up."

"Why?" I lifted my head a little to see him.

"Because that way, people can see your beautiful face." He smiled.

Do he like me? He might. He's really nice to me, and always offering to train. The thing is.... I like spending time with him. And I got the butterflies when he said I had a pretty face. Oh no.

..... Please tell me I didn't fall for Kane.

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