Chapter 10.

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I woke up in a brightly lit room. I had to blink a few times before I could see anything. I was tied to a metal chair. "Great." I mumbled to myself.

"SO." I heard a voice say. Paige, most likely. "You think you can call me out like that and get away with it?" Paige walked towards me from a dark corner and kneeled down to my level.

"Nah." I smirked, leaning back in the chair, relaxing.

She scoffed. "What should I do with the new Diva?" She asked herself slowly and stood up. She began to circle me.

"You don't scare me, Paige. Whatever you do, don't expect me to scream."

"Why is that?"

"Because I WON'T. I'm stronger than you think. Braver, smarter."

"I agree you ARE strong and brave, but you're not smart. Calling me out is NEVER smart."

"I don't see you doing anything about it. Well, except for tying me up. That's about it." I tilted my head to the side a little.

She walked back in front of me and stood there with her arms crossed. I laughed a little. "What are you laughing at?" She snapped. "I just now realized how STUPID you really are." I responded, chuckling. Her hand landed hard on my face, causing my head to fling to the side. "Don't play with me EMILY." She growled. I snarled back. "Someone's a dog. No wonder Hunter wants you to join the Shield." She smirked. "Here's a tip; DON'T GET ME MAD. Yes, everyone has a dark side, it's just my side happens to be DARKER." I barked. "So what, now you're Kane's sister?"

"No, I'm--" I stopped. I didn't want anyone to know. We agreed to tell NO ONE. It was between us. "I don't have any family here in the WWE Roster. Do YOU? Wouldn't be surprised if you didn't."

"Why is that, Johnson?"

"You DO look a little diss-owned." This time she punched me. I just laughed. Hm. Maybe I AM Kane's sister. That'd be EPIC.

Suddenly, she looked towards the door for a good few seconds. "Don't say anything." She walked to the door and slowly turned the knob. The door flew open from the other side and she was punched and knocked out. "You know.... it's not nice to kidnap people." I heard someone say. Then Dean rushed over to me. "Dean! Oh, thank GOD. Where's Roman and Seth?" I asked, looking at him as he made his way over to me. "Looking for you. Are you okay?" He saw the blood on my lip and running down my nose. "Emily?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Roman called. Then I heard Seth. "Look in here."

"GUYS!" I called, and instantly heard them charging down the hall towards my voice. Roman stopped when he saw Paige out cold on the floor. "Dean I'm guessing?" Roman chuckled. "You guessed correctly." Dean smiled and cut my free. "Thank you." I gave him a hug. "Are you okay?" Roman wrapped me in hug tightly and sighed. "I'm fine, Roman, it's alright. Hey, I'm okay." I pulled away and kissed him softly. He grabbed my hand and nodded to Seth and Dean. "Let's go. We'll deal with Miz later." He began to walk out the room.

"Wait. What about Miz?" I asked, walking with Roman with the two ahead of us.

"I want him to stay away from you." Roman said softly.

"WHY?" I almost yelled. "What did HE do?"

"Emily, calm down." Seth tried to make me relax as I pulled from Roman's grip.

"NO! He told you didn't he?! WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE KEPT APART?!?!" This time I DID yell.

"What do you mean? He didn't tell us anything!" Roman said calmly.

We were close to Miz' room and he walked out to see what was happening. Roman saw him walking over to me with concern. He had his hand on Miz' chest and pushed him back. "Stay away from her." He growled. I shoved Roman away from Miz and he turned to me with anger in his eyes. "Who do you want to be with?! me or HIM? Whatever, we're done."

"WHAT?! I want to be with YOU! You don't understand!" By now, I was standing in front of Miz, protecting him. I didn't want him to get hurt.

"DO YOU? Then why are you sticking up for him?!" Roman yelled, pointing to Miz.

"Why do you want to keep him away from me?!" I screamed, trying to hold Miz back from charging at Roman. Dean and Seth were standing behind Roman, ready to hold him back.

"I don't want him to steal you away from me!" Roman snapped.

"Why the HELL would I do that, Reigns?!" Miz yelled.

"I see how you are with her! Wanting to train her and always be with her! I was looking for Em yesterday and Hunter told me you took her out to eat and I thought--" Roman started.

"WELL I'M SORRY, I HAVN'T SEEN HER IN FOREVER!!" Miz screamed and tried to push past me to attack Roman.

"What do you-"


No one talked. I closed my eyes and turned to Miz. "Come on. We're leaving." I took his hand and pulled with me to the ring. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it in anymore. He was getting me pissed." Miz was calmed down a little as we sat in the audience. The arena was empty and only two chair were taken by me and my brother. "It's okay. I was going to say it to but you said it. Now I just have to explain to Hunter why I don't want to be in the story-line."

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