Chapter 5.

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I woke up to the boys talking and laughing. Seth was turned around in the passenger seat talking to Roman. He glanced at me and smiled. "Heeeey! Well, hello, sleeping beauty!" Seth said. I smiled. Dean looked in the review mirror. "Guess where we are!" Dean chimed. "Georgia?" I guessed, sitting up. "No dumbass. A few minutes away from the arena!" Dean chuckled. Roman removed his arm. Well tried. I groaned sadly, took his arm, slung it back over my shoulder and intertwined my fingers with his. I tapped his arm with my finger. "Stay." When Roman laughed, I looked up at him. "What?" I chuckled. He looked at me and smiled. "Nothing. Why'd you intertwine our fingers?" He asked. "Fine." I said playfully, dropping my hand. "Nooooo...." Roman wined and chuckled. "Gimme your hand!" He said, waving his hand on my shoulders like he was saying "bye" to someone. I mimicked him and he laughed. He snatched my hand with his other hand and pushed in towards the window. I leaned backwards, falling with my arm. Roman and I laughed as he just leaned closer to me and kissed my forehead softly. "You guys are so cute." Seth said, watching us wrestle each other in the back seat. "Would we really make a good couple?" I asked, looking at Seth. "I'm surprised you two ARN'T a couple yet! With how much you flirt with each other." Dean said as Seth snickered. Dean looked at Seth and smiled, laughing along with him. "Dude, I have a girlfriend!" Said Roman. I groaned loudly. Roman looked at me weird. "What?" He asked, laughing at the sound I made. "That lucky bitch." I chuckled. Roman busted out laughing. He sat up, pulling me with him. "I'm kidding, I don't have a girlfriend. I just wanted to see what you would do." He winked. I hit him in the arm playfully but hard and frowned. "You're so mean to me." I said, turning my body so I was facing the window and crossed my arms. Roman wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. "You know I love you." He said softly. "No you don't, you LIAR. Get off me." I joked, and pushed him off me laughing.

When we got to the hotel, I suddenly got really nervous and started thinking negatively. What if nobody liked me? What if nobody wanted me here? Then the best thought popped into my head; What if I became a Diva? I smiled at the thought and followed the boys in. The boys being usual, raced to the front desk. Who was the person behind the desk; Taylor Swift? I chuckled as I slowly walked up to the desk. Dean and Seth got their keys and had a race to the elevator. Seth was in the lead, but then Dean pulled him back by the shirt and ran in front of him. Roman and I laughed as we watched them. Then Roman turned to me. "Do you want to get your own room? We try our best not to spend too much money on hotel rooms. You can share a room with me if you want." He said, leaning on the counter. "I don't really mind. But I'll share with you if that's cool." I smiled. "Of course not, darling." He smirked. I chuckled at how sweet he was being. How I would DIE to have a boyfriend like him.

Roman got our room key and we headed upstairs. We found out we were right next door to Dean and Seth. How? We could hear them arguing over who's bed is who's. Roman held up a finger and mouthed "one second." He ran out the room stood at the other two's door. "It doesn't matter who's bed is who's!" He shouted through the crack. They two on the other side burst out laughing. Dean shouted back, "Aye, aye, Captain!" Seth laughed even harder. Roman walked back in the room chuckling. "Do they get drunk after driving too long?" I asked him as I set my bag on a bed. "Yup. Only those two... they're so weird." He said, walking over to his bed to get out his clothes. "I forgot to ask, do you have any money?" Asked Roman, looking up at me. "Ah crap. Nope. Broke. Sorry." I don't know why I apologized. I have a bad habit of doing that for everything. "No, you're fine. Just asking. Nothing to be sorry for." He shook his head.

We finished getting our stuff ready for tomorrow. I set my brush, tooth brush and tooth paste, and clothes in the bathroom. When I came back out, there was a bundle of cash on my bed. I took a sip of my water. "What's this?" I asked, starring at the money, then looked at Roman who was laying in bed watching TV. "A few hundred bucks." He said. "What's your version of a 'few hundred'?" I asked again. I also have a bad habit of asking questions a lot. "350." He shrugged like it was nothing. I choked on my water, almost spitting it on the blankets. "You gave me 350 dollars??" I gasped in shock as I picked up the money. "What's wrong with it?" He asked. "That's a little far from a FEW my friend." I teased. "I said a few hundred so HA." Roman chuckled. I smiled and walked over to his bed, placed my hands on the side, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you Roman." I whispered in his ear. He smiled and replied, "no problem" before turning out the light and the TV off. I climbed in bed a drifted off the sleep.

I woke up to a sunny morning. I looked over at Roman's bed to find him on his side fast asleep. I smiled, thinking of how LUCKY I was. I mean, how often do fans of the Shield, who, in my defense is THE HOTEST team in the roster, get to go on 'The Road to Wrestle Mania' with them? Not many that I've heard of! I decided to let Roman sleep and get something to eat. I got up and headed out the door. I always sleep in skinny jeans and a T-Shirt so I didn't bother getting dressed. Yes I sleep in skinny jeans. I find it EXTREMLY comfy. It's either this or a pair of boxers and a sports bra which I wore around the house ALL the time. I grabbed a box of donuts and two bottles of soda and headed back to the hotel.

I walked in to find Roman just waking up. "Hey!" I said cheerfully. "You're in a good mood." He said weakly, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Why wouldn't I be? Hey, I got food." I held up the box and the sodas and smiled. He chuckled and patted the spot next to him.

"You know what I like about you?" Roman questioned, taking a drink. "Hmm." I hummed. "You're super sweet. I've never met a girl like you before. I like that you're different. But not like a bad different, but a good different. ..Am I confusing you?" He asked. I chuckled. "No, you're fine. Why confusing yourself there Reigns?" "Very." We both laughed as we finished our donuts, making random small talk about his life in WWE.

He took a quick shower and got dressed in his gear. "Seth and I talked to Vince over the phone while you were passed out in the car on the way here. We told him about you and why we're taking you with us and....." He stopped. "What?" I asked, egger. "He said that if you want, he can put you to the test and try to make you the newest Diva!" He smiled, strapping on his vest. "Are you SERIOUS??!!" I squealed, jumping to my feet off the bed. "Yeah, very!" I jumped into his arms and hugged him. I couldn't believe it. I was going to be a Diva!

Roman called the boys over and told them that they could train me along with whoever Vince signed as my trainer. I was hoping it would be someone like Kane or Hunter even. Both are my favorite wrestlers! Kane, mostly. Who doesn't like the Big Red Monster?? I don't care WHAT you say, I love that guy.

After our talk and the three boys congratulating me, we left for the Arena. I got the butterflies again, then Roman put his arm over my shoulder like in the car. "Nervous?" Dean teased, walking backwards to face me. "What? No. It's not like meeting the person who runs WWE is a BIG DEAL or anything! YES I'm flippin nervous!" I laughed. Dean chuckled and turned back around just in time to walk in Vince's office. "Knock knock! You have a visitor. Well, 4." Dean smiled. Seth walked in and said 'hey'. Roman walked up to the door and pulled me with him. "This is Emily Dawn. She's the new diva." Roman introduced me. I smiled at Vince. "Hello Emily! Glad you joined! Sorry about your parents though. Well, don't worry, you'll have a BLAST. Come on, I'll show you room then the boys can help find a trainer." Vince replied. I STILL couldn't believe this was happening.

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