[chapter 04]

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Chapter Four: The God of Mischief & Lies

Claire sighed as she rubbed her arm gently, watching as Doctor Selvig and the others worked on the Tesseract. So far she had studied plenty of information in two days and understood the current situation. The ground shook slightly as they Tesseract sparked and acted up. The blonde sighed and she watched the blue energy cube. They needed to clear out.

Claire raised her head hearing the voice of Director Fury. She looked over and swallowed a little before turning her attention to the cube. She glanced up to where Clint was and sighed before looking down at her feet. The ground shook slightly which scared her. She was terrified of what was going to happen to everything. She already had her bag packed and ready to go back home.

"Agent Barton, report." Fury said into his ear piece before Clint came down from his nest and walked over to them, "I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things."

"Well, I see better from a distance." Clint said softly before looking at Claire. The blonde crossed her arms before she fixed her glasses. She sighed and looked back at the Tesseract before hearing Nick speak up.

"Are you seeing anything that might set this thing off?" Nick asked as he looked at Claire. She opened her mouth to speak but she was cut off by a scientist that was close by. She sighed and closed her mouth before looking at the Tesseract.

"Doctor, it's spiking again." said a scientist.

"No one's come or gone. It's oven is clean. No contacts, no I.M.'s. If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end." Clint said.

"At this end?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, the cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right? The doors open from both sides." Clint said as Claire looked at Dr Selvig who is clacks away at the keyboard and sees on the monitoring his worst nightmares. Suddenly- the Tesseract thunders and shakes the entire facility. Big enough where both Agents Hill and Coulson can feel and they're at different ends of the facility.

The flaring rings and glow of the cube spout out brighter and louder, like a boiling pot of water. The Tesseract's energy builds up into a beam much like the Bifrost Bridge, which hits at the end of a platform that is wired to the CMS device. The great maelstrom beam fires the tesseract energy. The beam then forms a vortex, which then opens up a portal. A black hole is created. From the portal, the blackness of space, beautiful and mysterious, strewn with a billion stars appears and a gust of blue energy clouds fill the room, blinding everyone.

The Tesseract's energy forms into a cloud that reaches to the top the facility's vacuum chamber ceiling. It's abnormally quiet. Then... Heavy breathing is heard from the platform. SHIELD guardS slowly approach, weapons in hands. A figure is kneeling on the platform, smoke coming off it. Claire froze, her body unmoving. She was too shocked to even open her mouth. The man looked up, smiling in his mischievous manner. The man raised his head and the smile dies down. He looks deep into the eyes of Fury, Barton and Selvig. Then his face softens once he sees Claire. There was something different about the girl. He stands up, holding the scepter.

"Sir, please put down the spear!" Nick said the man looks at his spear then suddenly points it at where Fury and Barton are standing and shoots out a blue exploding light towards them. Barton tackles Fury and they both barely miss the man's fired shot. Claire yelped and covered her face from the blast from the spear. She lowers her hands and looked at the man with the spear.

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