[chapter 12]

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Okay... Before I start this chapter... I wanna explain how I got the idea for Claire's "true" form. So when she gets mad or upset

Chapter 12: voices

Five Years earlier

Claire walked down the street of New York, her legs ached from walking for a good while. Her stomach growled slightly since it was in need of food. She hadn't eaten anything since the train ride. She pulled her bag along as she walked down the street, her body shivering slightly as she walked. It was cold of this time of year in the large city. Her jacket provided little warmth for her little body. She pushed up her glasses slightly as she walked, her feet making little sound as she made her way down the street.

"I knew I'd find you eventually," a voice said from behind which made Claire turn around slightly. A boy that was a little older than her stood there, his blue eyes watching her cautiously as she stood in front of him. He had short black hair and was rather tall for his age. He wore a black jacket and a dark red shirt with black jeans and black sneakers. His blue eyes narrowed as he looked at the girl that he once called his sister. He was here for one thing and one thing only. That was revenge. He would get her back for killing his older sister. He would so get her back for what she had done to her.

"Cade..." Claire said softly as she looked at the man. She swallowed slightly as she studied his body language, knowing that he was here for something. He had gotten taller than the last time that she had seen him. He was taller than her before anyway. Well... everyone was taller than her. She looked at him and took a step back in fear, seeing the look in his eyes. She knew exactly what he wanted and that was to kill her.

"You know...I've wanted to do this for so long. You, out of all people, deserve to die. And I'd be happy to end it for you," Caiden said as he looked at her, tilting his head slightly as he looked at her. He saw her as weak and helpless, tiny and hopeless. A smirk found its way onto his lips as he looked at the monster that had murdered his dear sister. It was a smirk that sent shivers down Claire's spine as she looked into his eyes. His words seemed calm but there was a sickening tone within his voice as it dripped with venom. His hatred toward her was strong and she knew he would try to kill her.

"Cade, I'm sorry... I lost control... I couldn't control my powers. Please listen to me," Claire begged as she looked at him but only received a chuckle in response to her begging and pleading. She swallowed her fear and looked at him as she took a step back. Her "brother" pulled something from his pocket and pressed a button to make it grow longer. It sparked to life and crackled anxiously.

"You know what this is?" Caiden asked as he looked down at the weapon in his hand. He chuckled darkly and looked at her, "I made this just for this precious moment." He sighed and smiled as he looked at her. He chuckled seeing the look of pure terror on her face. He smirked, enjoying the look on her face. He wondered if this was the same look that Madison had given Claire at her time of death.

"Caiden... please... I'm sorry," Claire said as she fell to her knees, her jean covered knees hitting the ground as she looked at him. Tears welled up in her eyes and she looked at him, hoping he wouldn't do anything. She sighed in relief when he turned off the electricity on the weapon but to her dismay, he wasn't done. He brought his arm back and swung the weapon like a baseball bat, having it connect with her jaw. She hit the ground, landing in a muddy puddle from the rain that had happened earlier.

"I've always wanted to do that," he said as he looked at his weapon proudly. He looked at Claire and bent down, grabbing her by the face forcefully and making her look at him. He smirked seeing the mark on her jaw from where he had hit her. He watched the blood as it rolled down her chin. He chuckled softly and gripped her face tightly making her wince in pain.

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