[chapter 06]

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Chapter Six: Germany

Claire opened her eyes when she heard the sound of the door, raising her head slightly to see who had entered the room. She sat up seeing Loki and she pulled her knees to her chest as she watched his every move. The God slowly made his way toward her, he could tell she was scared. Frightened most likely. He gently lifted her chin so she would look at him.

"Claire... Do I frighten you?" Loki asked, his voice soft and tender. He didn't want to seem intimidating if he was going to gain her trust. She was so small and helpless. But yet inside, she was powerful. Her powers were something that could help him win against the Avengers.

Claire kept silent and she looked at him, almost ready for a slap or something. Her bottom lip quivered a little and she closed her eyes. She felt the bed sink down slightly and she slowly opened her eyes to see him right in front of her. She backed up a little on the bed until her back was pressed against the bed frame.

"You don't have to be scared... I know what it's like to be seen as a monster," he said softly as he gently took her hand into his own. He pulled her forward slightly so their faces were mere inches apart. He watched as a red color began to rise to her pale cheeks as she looked into his eyes. His eyes slowly turned to an emerald green color, the original color. His blue eyes came from the mind control he was under thanks to Thanos.

Claire didn't believe him. She just tried to pull her hand out of his grasp. His grip loosened slightly but his still kept a firm hold on her little wrist. Her lips quivered before she moved her face away from him, closing her eyes. She heard him let out a gentle sigh as he slowly let go of her hand.

"Open your eyes," he demanded softly, his voice remaining with the gentle tone. She slowly opened her eyes to see his skin had changed to a blueish color. He opened his eyes and they were a reddish orange color. She was speechless. She sat there motionless, unknowing with what to do. His skin when back to normal and so did his eyes, returning to their emerald green color. He cleared his throat before speaking up gently, "I am what they call a Frost Giant, seen as a monster in Asgard. People fear me... They even tell their children scary stories about my kind."

Claire stayed silent as she watched him get up and stand in the middle of the room. His back was now to her before he slowly turned around to look at her. Loki tipped his head slightly and turned before letting out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose seeing that he probably scared the poor girl. He walked back over, taking cautious steps.

"But... You're not the only monster out there, darling... We're much alike, you and I," he said as he gently took hold of her hand, kissing her knuckle gently making her cheeks turn red. Her blushing was adorable to him. He wanted to make her blush because of how cute he found it to be. Claire looked at him and took advantage of this chance to escape.

Claire shoved her hands forward, pushing him roughly, making his back hit the stone wall. She got up quickly and pulled open the door before running out. Her bare feet slapped the concrete as she ran quickly down the corridor. She had no idea where she was but she planned to get out and find out where she was. She wanted to go home and sleep. She wanted to go home and relax and not have to worry about the mess she had been pulled into. If she wouldn't have went to New Mexico, then she wouldn't have been kidnapped by the crazed God.

Claire ran quickly and found a set of stairs. She bolted up the steps but ran face first into the archer's chest. She stumbled back and fell onto the floor. She sat up and looked at Hawkeye. She trembled slightly before she scrambled to her feet and ran down the hallway. He wasn't in control of his own actions so she knew she couldn't trust him whatsoever. She skidded to halt as she entered a large room filled with scientists and workers. Guards with guns stood to the side, holding their weapons. She started backing up a little but her back hit something hard.

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