[chapter 05]

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Chapter Five: The Curse

Claire opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling, listening to the gentle drip of water coming from a faucet. She rolled over a little and listened to the old bed creak and groan underneath her. She rubbed at her eyes and looked around the room. The room was small with concrete walls and no windows. There was a small attached bathroom with a shower, sink, and toilet.

Claire stood up and looked around the room. Her bed was pushed against the corner in the left side of the room while a dresser was on the right. A small lamp sat on a bedside table, lighting up the room a little. She looked at her clothes and tilted her head slightly staring at the army green colored shorts and cream colored sweater. She reached over to the bedside table and picked up her glasses, slipping them onto her face.

Where am I?

Claire looked around before she sat back down on the bed, listening to the creak it emitted from underneath her. She frowned and looked around before the silence was interrupted by the soft growl of her stomach, telling her that she was hungry. She swallowed a little and looked around before she stood up. She wanted to cry and scream but she was scared about doing that.

"I see you're awake," a voice said when the door opened. Claire spun around and her eyes widened seeing Loki. He was tall, black hair and blue eyes. But the blue was dangerously strange. She looked at him and backed up a little till her back hit the concrete wall. She slid down the wall and covered her face, scared he would hurt her in some way.

"Please don't hurt me," Claire said as she trembled with fear. She pulled her knees to her chest as she shook in terror. She felt something gently lift her chin and she was met with a pair of blue eyes. Her eyes were much darker like the deep depths of the ocean. It was strange. She felt a weird flutter in her stomach which was like butterflies. She blinked a little and looked at him in shock as he studied her face.

"I won't hurt you, dear," Loki said gently as he turned her face a little to get a better look at her. She was breathing rapidly and her heart was beating like crazy. He removed his hand and looked her over. He hummed softly and sighed before crouching down in front of her. He reached forward and gently pushed her blonde bangs up to look at her forehead. There it was. A small scar on her forehead that was covered by her bangs so no one would see it.

Claire looked at him and studied his facial expressions to see what he wanted with her. She was so confused and scared. She didn't know what was up. She swallowed a little and shifted uncomfortably as he let her bangs fall back down over her forehead. The girl looked at him for any sign of an expression but she couldn't read him whatsoever. He was protected by a stare that dug into her like daggers.

"The Cursed One?" He asked gently which made her eyes widen. Loki looked at her and before he gently took her hand into his own. He pricked her finger with a needle and wiped it up with a cloth. She hissed softly and yanked her hand away from his as she watched the blood run down her finger. She turned away from him and held her hand to her chest.

Loki stood up with the blood sample before he turned and left the room, shutting the door behind him. Claire heard the lock click and she couldn't hold back the tears any longer. She bit her lip and let the tears flow down her pale cheeks. She felt so homesick and scared. She didn't know what to do.

Claire sat on the floor and bit her bottom lip slightly before she forced herself to her feet. She looked around the room before she looked at the door. She sat down on the bed before she laid down and looked up at the ceiling. Exhaustion took over and she fell back asleep, her memories waiting for her in her dreams.


"Come on. You got it, Claire," spoke the gentle voice of her sister as she held onto the wall. Her feet slipped a little against the ice as she tried to get use to the feeling of ice skates. Claire shook her head and fixed her glasses, pushing them up against her little nose. Her sister huffed and placed her hands on her hips, "you won't know until you try, Squirt."

"But, Maddy... I can't. What if I fall?" Little Claire asked before she looked at her sister when she had pushed her bangs up from her forehead, laying her cold hand against her younger siblings head. Madison let out a small laugh before she picked up her skates from the ground.

"How about I teach you?" Madison asked as she looked down at the girl. Claire nodded a little and she watched as her older sister slipped on her skates and headed out onto the ice. Her sister was a pro. Well sort of. She did a few competitions and always got first but ever since her big lose she hadn't been skating much since that tournament.

"How?" Claire asked as she looked up at her fifteen year old sister. Madison smiled softly and patted the girls head before she pushed herself forward on the skates. She skated around the arena before she jumped and did a little spin then landing without a problem.

"Alright. Your turn," Madison said as she slid over, stopping beside her sister. Claire's eyes widened and she looked up at Maddy. She raised her eyebrow slightly in shock. She couldn't do that. That was something a pro could do and she was far from behind a pro.

"I can't do that!" Claire exclaimed as she looked at her sister. Madison chuckled softly and she ruffled her sister's hair gently. Claire huffed and she tried to push herself forward on the skates but ended up falling forward, right onto the hard ice.

"Maybe you need more help then I thought," Madison said as she put her hands on her hips, watching her younger sister try and get up from the ice. Slipping and falling as she tried to scramble to her feet. Maddy sighed and skated over, helping her up and holding onto her so she didn't fall over.

"Skating isn't for me," Claire said as she brushed little pieces of ice off her jacket. She sighed and sniffled a little. Her little nose had a little red tint to it from the cold nipping at her nose. She skated back toward the gate and sighed before sitting down.

Madison frowned and she put a hand on her hip, watching her little sister skate away. She gave out a slight huff and skated over to her younger sister, "come on, Claire. You won't know until you try..."

"I already know... I slip and fall. If I keep going I might really hurt myself. Mom was right," Claire mumbled as she headed out and took off her skates. Madison looked at her sister and sighed before crouching down beside her.

"Don't listen to those other people... You listen to what your heart tells you. Don't listen to those people that don't know you. You prove those people wrong. You show them who Claire Roland is," she said softly as she looked at her sister before poking her where her heart was, "you have a big heart. Don't let people destroy that heart. Don't let them walk over you like a door mat. You stand up... And you show them what you can do."

She paused before adding;

"Don't lose your fire."

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