[chapter 10]

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Chapter 10: starting a new

2 years later

The cold nipped at her nose and cheeks as she walked down the street, clutching her bag close to her as she walked. Snow fell from the cloudy sky above, making a blanket of the white powder on the ground. Her short blonde hair blowing in the wind slightly as she walked. Her black flat shoes making little noise as she walked down the sidewalk. She listened to the sound of cars driving around and the sound of people talking in a nearby bar.

She let out a sigh and the cold air allowed her to see her own cloud of breath. She shoved her hands into her pockets and looked around before heading toward her building. She sighed and opened the back gate before heading down the small alleyway to the back door of her home. There were cameras around front and she wasn't taking any chances of Shield finding her location. She knew Natasha would search for her far and wide.

She opened the door and headed up the dark carpeted steps toward the third floor of the apartment complex. She took out her keys and went to unlock her door when a small meow startled her. She spun around and she met the eyes of a cat. The cat had pitch black fur that gave off a small shimmer to it. It's eyes were the color of emeralds and seemed to twinkle in the light. The cat strolled up to her and rubbed it's body against her leg, getting cat hair on her black tights.

"Must be hungry," she thought to herself before she unlocked the door and allowed the creature inside. Normally, the landlord didn't allow pets but she was just taking care of the poor thing so what made a difference. She shut the door behind her as she watched the cat head to the couch, hopping up and curling into a ball. She let out a soft sigh as she took off her scarf and jacket. She slipped off her shoes and tossed them to the corner as she hung up her jacket.

The young blonde headed into the kitchen and got a bowl, filling it with milk. She looked over to the cat on the couch and called out to it, making it raise it's head in a quizzically manner. The furry animal jumped off the couch as the girl set the bowl on the ground. The emerald eyed cat started to lap up the milk with it's small tongue as the girl examined the creature, searching for any collar.

"I'm guessing you need a name..." She said softly as she gently stroked it's soft black fur as it drank it's milk from the baby blue colored bowl. The blonde girl looked at the cat and she sighed softly as a name popped into her head. The green eyes and black fur matched the name easily. She let out a gentle huff before looking at the cat but she erased the name from her thoughts, "Midnight..." The cat gave out a gentle purr when it raised it's head, nuzzling into her touch as if it approved of the name it had been given to him by the girl.

She sighed softly and stood up from her crouching position before she headed to the kitchen to get something that the cat could actually eat. She found some leftovers from the Chinese place she ate at the other day. She set the cold rice and shrimp down in front of the cat, making it meow happily and begin eating the meal. The girl sighed softly and she made some food for herself, warming up some leftover noodles and beef before sitting down on the couch.

"My name is Claire by the way, Midnight... You're welcome to stay here," she said softly as she looked back at the cat. The mass of black fuzz looked up at her and gave a slight meow as if it understood her words. Claire let out a sigh and continued to eat her food before the container was empty. She tossed it into the trash and sighed before looking at the cat that was now curled up on a little blanket she had laid down for a makeshift bed for the little guy.

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