[chapter 13]

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Chapter 13: scales

Natasha looked at Claire and she sighed softly, knowing that the girl had wanted to stay away from her and the team. She had wanted to find Claire. For so long she had been looking for the blonde. Two years had went by and she had never stopped looking for her. The redhead sighed and she looked down at the ground before looking at the shorter girl.

"I've looked for you nonstop," Natasha said softly as she looked at Claire. Claire sighed and she went over, hugging Natasha tightly, closing her eyes as she hugged her. She laid her head on the taller girls chest and sighed softly. Yes, she was happy to see her yet she didn't want to hurt her either.

"I'm sorry... I had to leave," Claire said softly as she looked down at the ground. Natasha sighed and she rubbed the younger girls back gently. The two stood there for awhile, just hugging each other. They stood like that for a little bit before the broke apart when Claire's phone went off. The screen lit up blue and Claire smiled slightly seeing who had texted her.

Stephanie had texted her to make sure she was okay. Claire smiled and she asked Stephanie to meet up with her and Natasha. She had a feeling they would like each other.  The three met at the coffee shop and had lunch together. It was nice to just relax and not worry about anything in the world. Claire just wanted to relax and not deal with anything that had to do with their powers. Yet she knew that the peace would be disturbed once more... She just didn't know it would happen that day.

As the three were walking back to the apartment, Claire felt as if they were being followed. Chills went up her spine and she looked around cautiously. She didn't know why but she felt as if a pair of eyes were burning into the back of her head, watching her like a predator would it's prey. She swallowed a little and kept her mouth shut as they walked, thinking there was not much to it. However, she was wrong. Out of nowhere something swiped under her feet, electrically shocking her. The pain from it was so familiar.

Natasha and Stephanie spun around but were both blasted back by a strong blast making them hit the wall. The attacker looked at Claire as she struggled to get up. He snickered softly and headed over to the two girls. He saw Natasha Romanoff and a smirk played across his lips as he reached down grabbing her face. He chuckled softly and sighed dreamily as he looked into her eyes.

"Natasha Romanoff... The Great Black Widow... It would be nice to get rid of you for Hydra. You and Rogers stand in their way... Well you and the whole team do so getting rid of one will change things for us," he said as he pulled down his hood. Claire's eyes widened seeing it was Caiden. She swallowed in fear and she watched as he brought the electrical weapon to the assassins face. He had improved the electrical weapon since the last time. His hair was still the dark black color and his blue eyes that were once full of life had grown dull and grayish blue.

Claire got to her feet slowly as she felt something overcome her. Her friend was at her brothers mercy and she knew he planned to show none. He was there to kill. Claire narrowed her eyes and her fiery wings took form, crackling and blowing in the small amount of wind. The bright colors, swirling together as they crackled. She gritted her teeth and rushed forward as he raised the electrical rod for the killing blow. She jumped up and kicked him away from her friend, making him drop her and his weapon to the ground.

Claire stood her ground and she looked at him, her eyes narrowed with anger. She rushed at him as he grabbed his weapon. She changed her wings to their crystal form and stabbed at the ground in order to stab him but he jumped away from the blades. She took her wing from the ground and when he went to hit her with his weapon, she blocked her face and body with her fiery wing. She looked at him and gritted her teeth as she punched him hard, again and again.

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