Ashlyn [2]

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My guess would be that I was right and that his meeting was a few hours. At least, it was a few hours later when Bradley found me. It wasn't exactly as if I had been hiding, I just made sure that the guards in position by the gates couldn't see me from where they were. It was strategy more than anything else. It's not as if I was literally going to spend my afternoon hiding from them; not that Bradley believed that.

"Hey," I greeted him casually when he made his way over. He gestured Gareth over too, probably assuming that I'd be trouble. I was in the shade under the oak trees beside the pond and I traced my finger along the top of the water, watching the ripples surge across the surface. I looked up to them, although neither of them looked impressed. I couldn't help it if my favourite part of the gardens also happened to be the furthest from the house, nor was it my fault that my room was on the opposite side of said house, but here they were, soundlessly accusing me of both. Or maybe they were just accusing me of getting out when I shouldn't have, I wasn't sure.

"Ashlyn." Gareth nodded, returning my greeting in an emotionless way. Bradley didn't say anything, only stepping back slightly so that I could get up. I also noticed that this movement blocked off the side path, meaning I either went the way they wanted or I leapt the river. I wasn't in a particularly disruptive mood, and besides, the recovery effects of my brief moment with Calix earlier were wearing off. If I desperately wanted to, I knew I could go a while longer, but there didn't seem to be much point right now.

I looked back to the water beside me where the fish had started to skim the surface. I smiled lightly. Gareth cleared his throat so I turned my attention back to the two guards standing over me.

"Ashlyn, do you fancy coming inside?" he hinted when I didn't move.

"I'd rather not," I told him. Bradley's jaw flexed and I looked at him. "But I don't suppose I really have much of an option. Do I Bradley?"

"Not from where I stand," he told me.

"Aw well," I shrugged, standing and brushing off my clothes.


I soon became aware that the atmosphere outside of my own little world was more stressed than I would have liked. I was already used to the glares that I got from the rest of the girls, the five that I had stood to up earlier being the only ones who even considered accepting me, so I wasn't surprised by the looks I got as I trudged through the halls, Bradley in front of me, leading the way, and Gareth behind, making sure I followed.

The worst thing about it was, they didn't hate me because of anything worthwhile; they didn't avoid me because I was consistently trying to get away; they didn't even not like me because they didn't know me. The reason behind most of their stares and looks was envy. I didn't want the attention I continuously got from Calix, and he knew it, whereas they did, and he knew that as well.

I was a little worried when Bradley finally opened a door and stood aside so that I could get past, but only because the claustrophobia of being inside again after so long was getting to me. I gave Bradley an odd look at his impassive expression, but he didn't see; and Gareth pushed me forwards before I could say anything.

"Hey!" I gasped, shocked. Bradley pulled the door shut again before I could say anything else, and I stared at the wooden barrier with hatred, confused by the action. When I eventually turned away from it, I took half a step towards the centre of the room, but then stopped when I saw Calix.

He was leaning against the wall opposite in a stiff manner, his eyes searching mine, and apparently failing to find what he wanted. His jaw was set, his expression hidden and even the air around him seemed to shudder. My eyes flicked up and down him.

AshlynWhere stories live. Discover now