Ashlyn [24]

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Chapter Seven

I was such an idiot. I should’ve just slipped out when my “visitor” came into the room last night. I didn’t know why he didn’t just leave the door open, he’d given me the means to escape anyhow. Then again, he’d said he didn’t know what was inside. But then, who sent this to me? And – what bugged me more – why hadn’t they come themselves?

I puzzled this as I twirled the metal between my fingers, though I wasn’t any closer to getting answers. I supposed they’d sent someone else just in case they were seen, but that didn’t help answer the first question at all.

I pulled a face when one of the sharp sides slit my finger lightly. Having done this a number of times already, I’d accepted that most people would have stopped spinning it by now. There wasn’t really a purpose to the movement, I just couldn’t be sure it was real unless I felt it in my fingers.

Sleep had claimed me eventually. It was now late afternoon. I’d had a peaceful rest that morning – presumably Rena gave up with trying to get to my dreams after a short while. Calix couldn’t expect her to wait around all night, given that she had her own problems to solve, people to rule, and lives to control – or I assumed as much at least.

Most of my body seem reluctant to move, though my fingers remained nimble and quick. It felt as though there was a huge weight on my shoulders, but my lungs seemed full. I supposed the latter was meant to be some form of hope, but it was just a guess given that it was still hard to connect the physical signs I seemed to be experiencing to the emotions they were meant to be.

When the door began to open I caught the metal in one hand and shoved it roughly under the pillow, gaining a cut across the palm in the process. I ignored the sting and sat up straighter, watching Jacob poke his head round the door and grin hugely upon seeing me there.

“Whey, sleeping beauty’s finally awake,” he said.

I pulled a face at the title and he chuckled, making his way into the room. It didn’t surprise me that he carried a tray with steaming food in one hand – what did surprise me however, was the obvious complaint from my stomach. I hadn’t felt noticeably hungry in days. When I’d started refusing meals, it was mainly to make a point. Now however, I’d missed enough that I didn’t even notice the hunger the majority of the time, I’d just gotten used to it.

Jacob whistled cheerfully as he set the tray down.

“What’s put you in such a good mood?” I asked suspiciously. It used to be that when he was laughing and smiling like this, the end result would be my pain.

His smile widened, and he gestured towards the window. “Why nothing, but isn’t today a fine day? And don’t you look wonderful this morning Princess.”

I had a strong urge to back away from him when he said that, it was almost new to me, I felt more afraid than weary in that moment. Although I knew he was unlikely to do me any real harm, I wasn’t comfortable offering myself up for it. I knew Jacob was perfectly capable of harming me. Given the childlike state he seemed to be in it seemed unlikely, but I’d never seen him this way and thought it better to be on my guard.

He carried on looking out the window, and when he hadn’t moved for a few moments I looked at the tray before me and picked up the bowl left there. I saw as I did so that my hand seemed to be bleeding a fair bit, and turned it away from Jacob in the hope that he didn’t see.

He nodded to himself before moving away from the window and sinking onto the bottom of the bed. He only narrowly avoided crushing my feet as I pulled them away. His grin stayed plastered there for another moment. Then he let it drop to his normal expression and turned to me.

“You know I’m joking, yeah? You look like an absolute wreck this morning.”

I rolled my eyes, pursing my lips as I replied. “You’re a charmer, Jacob.”

He smirked, winking. “It got you to say something though.”

After another moment, he laughed at the shock on my face.

Pushing the surprise behind me, I looked down and took a bite of whatever I was holding. By now, I wasn’t being softened up with my favourite meals, I was just given whatever was quick and easy enough to prepare – especially given my habit of refusing meals at random. After the first bite I realised I was ravenous, and polished the whole bowl of quickly. I burnt my mouth and quickly scooped up the water from the tray and downed it in one fluid motion.

Jacob laughed again and I looked at him.

I set the glass back on the side without looking away. One side of his mouth pulled up. “You want more?”

I narrowed my eyes a little, resenting that he was right, and felt my stomach rumble loudly in agreement. He seemed to have heard it, because he laughed again and stood up, grabbing the tray and walking out of the room. When he opened the door I saw the guards outside it and heard them talking roughly. When the door closed behind him the lock didn’t snap into place like usual.

I wanted to start thinking of ways of getting out again, but I couldn’t. The little food I’d been given seemed to have woken my stomach up, and now it wouldn’t stop complaining. I did however glance at my hand, and remember it was bleeding.

The blood on my hand wasn’t exactly gushing, but there was a bit too much of it for my liking. I’d searched this room high and low when I first got put in here and knew there was nothing I could used as a bandage, especially without attracting Jacob’s attention. If I was dying I could always rip my shirt and use that, but the act seemed a bit drastic just for a slight cut. I prodded it lightly with my other hand. The blood seemed to be slowing, some of it was already dried, but that didn’t make it any less obvious.

By the time Jacob returned, I’d come up with no solution, and was simply sat on my hand, making sure it was between the covers so any marks it left wouldn’t be seen. I hoped for no marks, as I wasn’t sure what conclusions they’d all come to if they found specks of blood on the sheets next time they changed them. I knew from close inspection that everything sharp or harmful had been removed from the room, and telling them I had a nosebleed was unlikely to work.

Hopefully though, I’d be gone by then.

I reached out to take the plate from Jacob’s hands. Whatever was on it was reheated but by that point I didn’t care. He smirked a little. Having seen I was eating, Jacob turned to the window and examined the view, leaning on the frame and giving me a chance to move my hand without him seeing the state I was in. I was pretty sure the bleeding had almost stopped now, but I still didn’t want to draw attention to it.

He smirk grew when I’d finished eating, but his voice seemed off when he spoke. “You were asleep for hours, do you realise that? And I don’t mean a couple of hours, I mean ages.”

I scowled. I was surprised – and relieved – I’d gotten a decent sleep in the first place, there was no need for him to criticise it. Especially when he knew exactly what was going on every night and how little rest I was getting.

He turned his head slowly to me, his eyes jumping to mine after a second. He narrowed them at me, examining.

“What?” I asked simply, annoyed when he hadn’t looked away.

“Nothing,” he said, standing a taking the plate back outside without another word.

. ~*~

I listened.

Once again, there didn’t appear to be anyone outside. Once again, I slid off the bed and over to the door, and once again I played with the lock until it gave and let me open the door. Once again I sank to the floor in silence, and enjoyed the cool breeze from along the corridor.

And once again I wondered what was stopping me from leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2012 ⏰

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