Ashlyn [8]

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When I woke up in the morning, I did feel better. That feeling was soon slighted though, and I was left with the realisation that things were much worse than they first appeared. What I'd told Conner had been the truth - I hadn't really done anything they hadn't seen before; except that this time, the tempers were shorter. I couldn't help it if they wouldn't face it; but I should have seen the signs coming and known to be cautious. If I was honest with myself, I would probably say that I had seen the signs, and that I'd just ignored them; but that type of understanding was exactly what I tried to avoid.

I sat up, but felt sore. I was consciously aware that I should be feeling worse than I actually was, but didn't let the thought stay in my mind for long. If I did, I would start to wonder why, something that I'd learnt not to do; more from practise than anything else. Even without considering it, the reason behind this feeling was illuminated the second my eyes settled. Once they were focused enough, it was easy for me to see the figure stood just inside the door.

"You took your time waking up," Jacob said pointedly.

I almost groaned, but practise held the sound inside of me. "Jacob, what are you doing here?"

He shrugged, grinning at my obvious discomfort. Well, it was obvious to him at any rate; I doubted whether anyone else was attentive enough to recognise the small signs that still slipped through. "I got told to be here, and not pleasantly I might add."

My eyes, which had been skimming uncaringly around the empty room, jumped back to him and focused on his expression. He was anticipating something, and I knew from experience that when that anticipation held around me, it was probably going to hurt. He looked relaxed; also a bad sign.

"Why?" I inquired, my tone slightly weary. My eyes flicked up and down him; taking in the impassive way in which he stood, with his arms crossed over his chest and his body leant back against the wall, showing no urgency whatsoever. Yet.

He smirked. "You're due to be somewhere. It's just my job to get you there."

That was the click I'd been waiting for. I didn't ask where I was meant to be, almost positive that the quicker I knew, the quicker I'd be there. I just kept my eyes on him, waiting for some kind of sign to tell me when he was going to move, or how close it was to happening. Of course, he knew precisely what I was looking for, and avoided any possible signs I could pick up. He kept his expression clear as he watched me, having had to search for the same signs from me before as I was looking for know, and knowing better than most what would give the game away. Maybe I was lucky; I may not have to be anywhere yet - not that I would go willingly whenever it was.

After a few minutes, my eyes jumped to the door, almost expecting that to be guilty of some kind of hint that Jacob seemed free of. The innocence of the object nearly surprised me. I could deal with the silence; I didn't like it, but I could manage.

I heard a slight sound outside, but there was a hesitant pause after a moment, and my eyes flew from him to the door again, half expecting someone else to force their way in.

"That's my cue," Jacob said cheerily, pushing away from the wall. Unconsciously, I stepped back. He laughed. "Oh come on, I won't be that harsh."

Only a few seconds - although a number of struggles and protests - later, he manoeuvred me expertly through the unlocked door. I hadn't considered that its impassable state may have changed while I'd been asleep. As expected, there were two other guards positioned outside the room, so I supposed the door wasn't much of a worry now. If I couldn't get out, why bother having them there?

"Boys," Jacob nodded slightly. I couldn't explain the ring in his tone.

"Sir," they responded, standing taller and looking straight ahead. I turned my head a little so that I could see them as Jacob pushed me away.

AshlynWhere stories live. Discover now