Ashlyn [13]

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<P class=MsoNormal>The thing that I really hated about dreams, was that it's always really obvious when you're in one. If it isn't obvious, then you'd act exactly as you would in the real world, which completely defeats the point of them in the first place. It would make things so much easier if you could <I>know</I> it was a dream without having to put up with everything you see being so fake. If it looked real but you knew it wasn't, things could be so much fun. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>Unfortunately though, that never happened. So I was stuck in another ridiculous dream. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>This wasn't even one of the good ones - my imagination must have been drained by the dull surroundings I'd been forced into, I had no setting at all for this dream. All I could see was a horrible mist, clinging at every part of me. I tried to swipe it away, but it just slowed my movements, almost as though I was submerged in water. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>Dreams often don't have a point - but that doesn't mean that nothing <I>happens</I>. Maybe something terrifying was going to lunge out of the mist at me. It had a bit of a job, seeing at I couldn't see further than an inch or so in front of my face. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>So I waited. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>And waited. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>And waited.</P>

<P class=MsoNormal>And nothing happened. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>I frowned a little at my dreary setting, trying to work out what was going on. Something must <I>be</I> going on, I just had to find it. Still slowed by the substance around me, I lifted my hands before me and started to stumble forwards. There wasn't anything before me, but I still managed to fall to the ground. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>I slammed against it with such a force that I was glad dreams didn't hurt. Well, this one didn't at least. I lifted my hands and felt around me. Aside from the surface I was on, there didn't seem to be anything there, and that surface matched my body exactly. Even feeling back to where I'd just been stood, there didn't appear to have been anything. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>In a motion so predictable it almost hurt, upon realising there was no ground before me, I stumbled, tipping forwards and expecting to fall. But I didn't. The floor had formed beneath my hands, fitting their shape exactly. Cautiously, I stood up, only to discover that the place where I'd just been was empty again now. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>What kind of place was this?</P>

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