Ashlyn [11]

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Later, I did something I'd never had to do before. I sat down and thought. There were plenty of things that I probably should have thought about, millions of opportunities I could have thought about, and an awful lot of ideas floating in my mind that I knew deserved far more attention than I gave them. But I didn't think about any of them. Instead, I tried to work out where I actually was.

There weren't many places in this building that I hadn't been before, so this was new to me.

I'd been everywhere on the ground floor, I knew that for a fact. I'd explored every millimetre of the floor, mapped the hallways, traced the floors; I'd done it so much that I knew the whole layer with precision. I had to. I also knew exactly where each guard was positioned every second of the day. And besides all that, I was looking down on the gardens at that moment, so I was obviously above them.

There were two or three levels underground, none of which I knew much about, but I didn't have to. In fact, when I thought about it, the only room I'd seen down there was the Council Room.

I shivered.

It could have been the memories making me shake, but I doubted it. Leaning against the cool glass of the window was making goosebumps appear across my skin, but I didn't stop. When I pushed my head back and into the window's corner, I could just about see the trees that were hidden around the side of the building, and if I could work out what sort of trees they were, I'd know where I was.

I'd always assumed the higher parts of the building were for Calix's more important associates. After all, aside from the few meeting rooms underground and the hall on the ground floor - which was an extremely annoying room, as it was usually so close to being empty that it was difficult to hide or sneak out - most of the rooms that he used were upstairs. So was 'my' room, but I tried not to think about that, especially as most of the other girls resided downstairs.

But, the principle was still the same - the higher the floor number, the higher the priority. It was a real disadvantage for me, because that implied that where I was could also be considered 'high security', which wasn't something I wanted to think about - although when I did think about it, I realised it was probably just that. I'd seen two people since I'd been in here - excluding Calix himself - one of whom absolutely hated me and only came in because 'it got him high up', whereas the other had promised me he wouldn't be back. And I still wasn't sure how seriously to take that.

Sure, I hadn't seen Conner since that moment, but he wasn't one to stay annoyed - or even irritated - just as Lila had pointed out. I knew he'd have cooled off by now, but that didn't explain why I hadn't seen him. He wouldn't still be fuming about it - aside from anything else, Jacob had mentioned it, and I doubted that he would bring something up purely for my comfort - he was bound to be trying to trick me into making a fool of myself in one way or another, probably in front of Conner the next time I saw him. Surely Calix hadn't stopped him getting in? He had been known to do it, I supposed, but he wouldn't do it now, would he? Not when he needed me sorted out. He couldn't honestly expect any progress if the only person I saw throughout the day was Jacob - as it had been for the past few days. He wouldn't do that to me.

But, then...why hadn't I seen Conner?

There were two options - either he didn't want to come, or Calix wasn't letting him, but I couldn't believe either of them were actually in practise. Calix must have some kind of plan simmering away in that mind of his; he wasn't just going to leave me with only Jacob for company and hope that I cracked - I was positive of that. In which case, what was he thinking?

He'd done this before. He'd never been this extreme, but he'd done this before. I had to admit, four days was pushing it a little, but I'd be out of here soon enough - then I'd just have to keep my head low for a few weeks before I could start planning. Just little moves like being a few minutes late or vanishing for innocent reasons during the day at first - I still wasn't sure if they even realised that that was where the plan started. An early leave here, a late arrival there, and before you knew it, the panic of being missing didn't instil until you were well on your way.

But yes, I'd be out soon.

AshlynWhere stories live. Discover now